
October 28, 2011

A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes

We dream when we fall asleep. We dream many different things. And we live as we dream. The best dreams happen when we are awake. To accomplish great things, we must not only act but also dream, not only dream but also believe.  Wherever you go, go with all your heart. You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it come true. However, we may have to work for it. Dreams come true when we wake up in them. As we dream, so we become. As we create our wishes, so they create us. I know God will not give us anything we can't handle.  Our lives will be changed, will be better and be exactly what we dream and we wish.

I have my dreams, i believe that my dreams will come true.  And my dream - is a wish my heart makes.

A dream is a wish your heart makes

When you're fast asleep

In dreams you lose your heartaches

Whatever you wish for, you keep

Have faith in your dreams and someday
Your rainbow will come smiling thru
No matter how your heart is grieving
If you keep on believing
the dream that you wish will come true

Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes" is a song written and composed by Mack David, Al Hoffman and Jerry Livingston for the Walt Disney film Cinderella (1950). In the song Cinderella (as sung by Ilene Woods) encourages her animal friends to never stop dreaming, and that theme continues throughout the entire story.


  1. one of my favorite Disney songs ever. Indeed, a dream is a wish our heart makes :)

  2. Cinderella is my favorite Walt Disney character. Whenever I listen to the song you mentioned, I can't help but imagine that I'm a princess. how childish of me haha.

  3. Such a nice song. This is very inspiring. My little niece sings this and dances like a princess. Not knowing it came from Cinderella. Hehehe.

  4. Dreams are actually what you think of regardless whether you like them or fear them.

  5. Cinderella is a good story. I like its plot.

  6. dream big, aim high...and work on it until it becomes a reality...

  7. huge huge fan of Disney music here. (I'm 30 by the way)But I believe that every person is a child within and we have the right to dream regardless of our age and status. thanks for sharing.

  8. it still capture my heart even it is old movie

  9. I love this song too! I love the part where it says "In dreams you lose your heartaches" though sometimes it's wlaso were regrets appear.

  10. "it's also where regrets appear pala :D

  11. i watched this video several times, we have some disney movie collection.

  12. this sparks my interest to dream again....I like disney songs and of course disney movies also

  13. This brings back childhood memories :)

  14. i like this song .Dreams is really what your heart desires .in out house we always love to watch disney movies especially my husband

  15. I'm a believer of good dreams and I love this song. Nice nice post.

  16. Classic talaga! i have 2 young boys but i still let them watch Cinderella :)

    we tend to forget to dream when we grow old. i like hearing classics like these especially those that inspire. they bring back memories and things i dreamed of when i was young.
