
December 12, 2012

90's Band A1 Takes a New Musical Route in Newest Album "Rediscovered"

If you’ve loved their poppy tunes, matchy-matchy outfits and over-styled hairdos back in the 90’s, you’ll definitely love them even more now!

A1, consisting of Ben Adams, Mark Read and Christian Ingebrigtsen, had their first breakthrough in the UK in 1999 with a collection of hit singles taken from their debut album. They went on to have many International Top 10 and number 1 hits including 'Caught In The Middle', 'Same Old Brand New You', their cover of the A-ha classic 'Take on Me' and 'Everytime' to name but a few. They infected the airwaves of 1990s and now, they’re back and “rediscovered” with their brand new album!

Rediscovered is a musical journey that brings A1 to rediscover what got them into music in the first place: extremely catchy pop songs, with a back to basics approach.

"I'm really proud of the amazing work we've put into this album. I feel we've really pulled together a great collection of songs and you'll be hearing a lot more about it the next few weeks. There's one song that I can listen to continuously on loop before going to bed, & it's the last track on the album. Not long until you can hear it too," says Mark Read.

But whilst this album is about going back to their roots, it’s also about venturing into new territories, and a lot of people may be quite surprised by the 12 songs A1 have written for this album. For A1, this is the album that will bridge the gap between fans who‘ve stayed true for all these years, to the people who are discovering them for the first time.

Exciting highlights in the album include the 60’s inspired catchy first single “Trust Me”, the very sing-along-able “Christopher Columbus”, the powerful and stomping dance floor tunes like “That Somebody Is Me” and “Lovesick”.

  1. Trust Me
  2. Christopher Columbus
  3. Riot
  4. That Somebody Is Me
  5. Lovesick
  6. Fallen From Grace
  7. Starlights
  8. Blackout
  9. Just 3 Words (feat. Annie Khalid)
  10. Stones
  11. Grateful

Available in major record bars nationwide! Also available on and iTunes at
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