
April 17, 2015

Stay fit and healthy: Fiber-up with MEGAFIBER for a healthy and fabulous you

Be healthy, stay healthy.

Being healthy is one of my main goals in life. Eating the right foods and the right amounts of foods; exercise and staying physically active are a few examples of good habits that can help you stay healthy and can help you live a longer, healthier life.

Get fit, stay fit.

No other time is a better time to lose weight than now. If you’ve been forever planning to get rid of those extra pounds, it’s time to get serious about it. Besides, it’s not just about looking fabulous and feeling good about your body. Being overweight or obese exposes a person to various health problems. These include coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, sleep apnea and respiratory problems, cancers (endometrial, breast and colon), liver and gallbladder disease, osteoarthritis, infertility… the list goes on.

Shedding off the extra pounds is part of a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise and a diet that must meet the body’s nutrient requirements, particularly fiber.

Controlling or maintaining weight is easier to do with a fiber-rich diet because fiber has the power to fill you up without filling you out. Eating healthy high-fiber foods makes you feel full, so you can resist eating more food than you need. Fibrous foods can also take longer to chew, giving your brain time to get the signal that you have had enough to eat.

Most people, however, do not get the daily 38 grams of fiber for the average adult male and 25 grams for the average adult female recommended by the Institute of Medicine, Washington.

Incorporating fiber into the daily diet entails making smart food choices like eating whole fruits instead of drinking fruit juices; replacing white rice, bread and pasta with brown rice and whole grain products; choosing whole grain cereals for breakfast; snacking on raw vegetables instead of chips, crackers or chocolate bars; substituting legumes for meat two to three times per week; and others.

This is particularly difficult in the Philippines where such food choices go against the norm as well as the budget. Meanwhile, the few who commit the time, effort and financial resources to increase dietary fiber via careful meal preparation and planning run the risk of increasing overall calorie intake as well.

One way to bridge the “fiber gap” is to take the all-natural fiber supplement MEGAFIBER. It is made from 100% all natural Psyllium Fiber, reputed as nature’s best and most efficient source of natural dietary fiber. To compare, one teaspoon of MEGAFIBER has 14 times more fiber than oat bran and other cereals.

MEGAFIBER is available over the counter at Mercury Drug outlets nationwide. It comes in bigger 7.5g sachets at P10.75 each, travel pack of 30 sachets at P325, and in bigger 300g jars at P430, with 50% more fiber than other brands to give you more value for your money. It is also offered in half-kilo family size packs at P705 for even greater savings. 

MEGAFIBER is FDA-approved. Product inquiries may be coursed thru the MEGAFIBER customer service hotlines 524-6549, 354-2208 to 09 and 09474890262, and email. Product information is also available at and the MEGAFIBER facebook page.

Those who are looking to include MEGAFIBER into their weight loss plan are advised to add one heaping tablespoon in a half glass of water or juice 30 minutes before meals, followed by one glass of water.

MEGAFIBER provides a feeling of fullness, which in turn helps reduce hunger pangs, and lessens the tendency to overeat. This should be welcome news to those having difficulty resisting the food-laden table that is part and parcel of Filipino family outings and gatherings that usually occur during the summer break.

The all-natural fiber supplement is also a natural fat absorber that assists in capturing the fats in our food, which are then excreted during regular bowel movement.

Aside from assisting in weight management, MEGAFIBER also helps prevent constipation and Irritable Bowel Syndrome, control Diarrhea or Loose Bowel Movement (LBM), reduce the risk of heart diseases and cholesterol and regulate blood sugar levels and uric acid levels.

Waste no more time and be on your way to being healthier and feeling better about how you look. Supplement your existing weight loss program with MEGAFIBER and achieve MEGA results.

MEGAFIBER is distributed by PHILUSA Corporation with tel. no. 631-1731.

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