
January 13, 2017

The Utimate Heartthrob Piolo Pascual All Set For An Exciting 2017

The entertainment's dubbed as the ultimate heartthrob, Piolo Jose Pascual or popularly known as Piolo or Papa Pi or PJ, celebrates his 40th birthday on January 12, 2017. 

Just as many stars’ luster are starting to wane at this point in their lives, Piolo’s career is going full throttle as characterized by his different and far challenging projects.

Although he hopes to slow down a bit in order to appreciate life even more, Piolo, who’s turning a year older this coming January 12, couldn’t help but be excited about the dream projects that he’s hoping to cross off his bucketlist.
“I want to travel the region, just in case there’s a chance for me to showcase Filipino talents not just here but also abroad,” he said.
According to Piolo, he wants to tap the international market, not necessarily Hollywood, but other markets such as lifestyle.

Mid last year, Piolo embarked on his first lifestyle food show titled “The Crawl” together with actorLui Villaruz. The first season had them eating their way around Osaka, Japan. Its success led to an immediate follow up season, which Piolo undertook with his son IƱigo in Chiang Mai, Thailand.
“I get excited doing things that I’ve not done before. Basically delving into things I never thought I could do,” he said adding that he also hopes to do a different kind of serye soon.
Aside from hopefully fulfilling his dream projects, fans can expect to see him in the big screen soon with “Once in a Lifetime” opposite Yen Santos where they shot portions of it in New Zealand.

Almost three years since he last came out with his studio album “Decades III,” the singing heartthrob recently launched his Piolo Greatest Themes Album.

Amid all the upcoming projects and his goal, Piolo just couldn’t help but be grateful with the trust that he received and is still continuously receiving from the network for the last 20 years of being in the business.
“I can never be more thankful. I’m just really happy that they didn’t just change my life, they’ve changed my whole track, my entire journey in life and I’m just really humbled by it,” he said.
Despite being one of the most celebrated actors in the business, Piolo intends to stay as low-key as possible, which happens to be a far cry to his known tag as the “number one leading man” and “ultimate heartthrob.”
“It’s not for me to say. Being in this business for a long time it’s a blessing already. To be on top, I mean that’s a sense of entitlement. I’ll never hold on to something that is fleeting. As long as I know I’m enjoying my life and I’m able to do things that I enjoy doing, that’s okay by me,” he ended.

Get to see a different side of the Ultimate Heartthrob and his enviable bachelor’s pad as the January 2017 cover star of Star Studio magazine.

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