
January 21, 2018

Worst Vacation Ever: 6 Tips For Backpackers By The Montero Brothers

Have you ever wondered why some of your tripsare never as perfect as planned? From delayed flights, cancelled hotel reservations, bad insect bites to the worst hangovers, at one point or another, some things can go awry. In the newest Discovery Channel show Worst Vacation Ever, celebrity brothers Troy and KC Montero boldly relive the worst and most unbelievable holiday travel anecdotes to ever grace the internet. Premiering this January 29 at 8:10 pm, each episode starts with the brothers and their team searching through real online reviews of actual holidays that other people have experienced. From the strange, funny, disgusting or downright absurd, the brothers seek to recreate these situations to see if these vacations really are as bad as some people paint them out to be.

Combining their learnings from years and years worth of travel, brothers Troy and KC bring to the show some travel pointers which backpackers should take heed:
  • Eat at your own risk – What is travelling without trying out local delicacies? Well, you can definitely eat anything and everything you want,but better be sure you know what’s in it or if it’s even safe. You don’t want to end up spending the rest of your days in your hotel room or worse, forgetting what really happened.
  • Drink only until you cannot – Drinking is fun and exciting, but drinking too much can cause you trouble and put you in tight situations especially in a foreign country. You don’t want to pass out after doing silly things you might regret your whole life.Better get your liver ready!
  • Transport – Whilst we probably don’t have the ideal mode of transportation, experiencing other countries’ very own bamboo trains, tuktuks, etc., can definitely be a lot different and fun. Just always keep an eye on your belongings (and your stops, too!) and be ready to putyour haggling prowess to use whenever necessary.
  • Don’t be a stranger – Go out of your comfort zone, be friendly. You’re jet setting to a new land (might be with a different native tongue from yours) with different culture, so forget the initial transition and feel comfortable by making friends. Get your groove on!
  • Expect less, experience more– Different travelers, different personalities, hence, different experiences. Remember, what may be a bad experience for others can be the highlight of your trip. So while it’s best to read online reviews, give yourself the chance to explore and discover things on your own.
  • You’re out and ready, go all in – For sure, you have your itinerary on hand composed of proper timings and schedules of when and where you should go. Although this is ideal, do not marry your plans and allow leniency and flexibility. Remember, you’ll never have this moment again, so go for it!
There are plenty of vacation shows with hosts having a blissful, wonderful time. 
In Worst Vacation Ever, KC and Troy seek to debunk some myths and prove how, sometimes, your worst vacations can still turn out to be your best. Be part of the adventure and tune in to Discovery Channel on January 29 at 8:10 P.M.!

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