
December 7, 2018

Making room for the ‘best Christmas gift’ ever

Time was when the countdown to Christmas had me happily anticipating the most wonderful time of the year. The sight of malls being dressed in holiday style, bazaars sprouting all over the metro, carols constantly being played, and the prospect of family get-togethers made me giddy with excitement.
When the holiday season is over, you will want to place your Yuletide decors in a self-storage facility instead of using up precious space in your home. 

But the recent years were times of change. Two of my siblings got married and settled abroad. A favorite uncle passed away. A cousin I grew up with and childhood friends from the old hometown have all found their dream jobs—in another continent.

Sadly, Christmas, I thought, will never be the same again. 

Or so I thought until one recent evening, when I’d finally set up the family’s heirloom belen, painstakingly cleaning and polishing the tiny figures in the manger. 

There I stood in the living room, surveying the results of my work: the gaily trimmed Christmas tree sparkled with hundreds of silver LED lights, a beautiful wreath welcomed guests at the front door, while near it, a four-feet-tall jolly ole Santa Claus stood watch over the foyer. 

Make your home or spare room more habitable and spacious again by placing your Yuletide decors and excess belongings in self-storage. 

Touches of Christmas brightened up more nooks and spaces in the comfy home I share with my husband Robert.

As I gazed at the sight of the little infant Jesus asleep in the manger, I couldn’t help smiling. This Christmas will be different. This Christmas, a precious little baby will bring back the magic that I thought I had lost. It’s because in a few weeks’ time, Robert and I will be welcoming our first baby, Mikhail, which means “Gift from God.” Mikhail, after all, is the best gift we would ever receive on this most blessed season.

This holiday season, one of the most rewarding Christmas gifts you can give to yourself and your family is a home full of love and free of clutter. 

We waited nearly five years for this baby. After getting married, we decided to savor life as a couple and save up before starting a family. We also wanted to travel unencumbered, spend time with friends, and enjoy our favorite pastime—shopping.

But Robert and I soon learned that none of these gave us the thrill and joy that we felt upon learning of Mikhail’s coming. The thought of cradling him gave us an unmistakeable sense of optimism about this new chapter in our lives.

Safeguard your Christmas decors, furnishings, and other belongings in a self-storage facility that provides a secure, convenient, and professionally operated system. 

So this year the spirit of Christmas is back. It’s all over our home, especially in Mikhail’s spanking new nursery room! It’s in the pastel colored walls, in the tiny white crib, the stuffed toy unicorn beside Mikhail’s fluffy white pillows, and in the sky blue rug with a rainbow print.

Just imagine: a year ago, Mikhail’s spiffy new nursery was our old store room, where Robert and I stashed most of our wedding gifts, our old décor, furnishings, and mementoes from numerous shopping trips. The clutter simply accumulated through the years.

We wondered then: where do we place the horde of possessions we didn’t have the heart to discard? Do we need to find a bigger place? 

That’s when Robert and I did some research online and learned about this concept of “self-storage.” Apparently, the practice of storing one’s belongings in a safe and secured facility outside your home has been around in the US for quite some time now. 

As we checked out more sites for self-storage, we happily discovered that we have our own self-storage facility right here in the metro, Loc&Stor 24/7, which is readily accessible from our place. That very same weekend, Robert and I lost no time in checking out their facility in Pasig.

Loc&Stor 24/7 is conveniently located at flood-free areas in Makati and Pasig. 

Loc&Stor 24/7 offers units ranging from 1.5-square-meter lockers that can fit eight balikbayan boxes to 18-square-meter jumbo-size units that can accommodate the contents of a 40-foot container.

During our visit, Robert and I personally inspected the facility, and I must say that we were really impressed with its security features, the convenience it offers, the cleanliness of its premises, as well as the professional customer service. 

Right there and then, we knew that we’d found the answer to our prayers and the space we needed for our peace of mind.

And guess what, our home now looks bigger than it actually is. And this Christmas season, we are set to welcome Mikhail to a home that is full of love . . . and free of clutter. 

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