
January 13, 2020

Solane Villanueva Plant joins Rescue MARCH Challenge

ILC Villanueva Plant recently participated in the RESCUE MARCH (Mass Assembly for Rescue & Care for Humanity) CHALLENGE that was spearheaded by STEAG State Power Inc. (SPI), an independent power producer operating in Villanueva, Misamis Oriental.

ILC Villanueva Plant Emergency Response team

The Rescue MARCH Challenge is an activity that aims to simulate an anticipated big earthquake and how rescuers would respond to such emergency. Presuming that roads and transportation would be unavailable for use, rescuers would have to withstand going on foot across the city to search for survivors. They must also be able to properly run life-saving emergency procedures.

The program was also organized to show appreciation to the various rescue and emergency first responders around the municipalities of Tagaloan and Villanueva such as the Bureau of Fire Protection, Philippine National Police, and Philippine Red Cross, to name a few. The sole private company invited was Isla LPG Villanueva Plant, assisted by Shell Bitumen.

In total distance, the responders traveled 6.3 kilometers on foot, in their respective rescue uniforms with PPEs (personal protective equipment).

“This march was an endurance test for the responders; with direct sunlight and heat combined with the full PPE covering and exhaustion, it was indeed a challenge—which the responders handled well,” said Mr.Clark Publico, ILC Villanueva Plant operations executive.

The march lasted for an hour. In comparison to actual emergency response, this has proven that the ILC Emergency Response Team is truly capable and prepared in the event of disasters. 

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