
March 18, 2013

Globe Business’ Affordable Postpaid Solutions Protect Entrepreneurs from “Bill Shock”

Postpaid plans are ideal for Filipino entrepreneurs who prefer to enjoy a features-rich mobile phone and data account that’s always ready—without the service cut-offs that happen when, say, a pre-paid plan runs out of load. 

The downside, of course, is the trauma that can happen when the entrepreneur receives his or her monthly bill. This trauma is so significant and distressing that it already has a name: “bill shock”.

To prevent bill shock and the distress it causes, Globe Business has come up with postpaid solutions that keep entrepreneurs happy with a variety of customized, reliable services that are also very affordable. In this way, entrepreneurs can keep communications costs down while maximizing the benefits brought to their business by telecoms technology.

These Globe Business postpaid solutions are perfect for entrepreneurs who do business while on the go: they are assured that wherever they are, they are backed by by a postpaid plan that provides instant communication and access to critical data for decision-making and deal-making. 

Business Plus Plan Zero allows you to build your own service package. Plan Zero means it comes without an offered postpaid plan. Instead, it focuses on specific services that cater to specific needs. Business Plus Plan Zero comes in four groups of services, each with their own primers. 
Globe Business provides postpaid subscribers with Business Plus Plan Zero--which comes with no pre-determined postpaid plan. Instead, it allows postpaid subscribers to choose the set of services that best fits their needs. Those who are heavily dependent on texting, for example, can choose from Unli Text (P200) or Unlitext All (P600). Business Plus Plan Zero provides quality, affordable, and reliable services and protects post-paid subscribers from the trauma of "bill shock" which is experienced when they receive unexpectedly high billings.
If you are interested in enhancing your calling opportunities and expanding your reach to a wide range of networks, pick from the following services: UnliBloop (P100), Unli Call (P300), Duo (P399), Super Duo (P499) or 100 Local Calls (P400). 

However, if you are are more inclined to sending messages, you might opt for a different set of primers. Choose from 300 Local Texts (P100), Unli Text (P200) or Unlitext All (P600). 

For those who need quick access to their e-mails, as well as the internet, these services may be of use: 100 MB worth of mobile browsing (P100) or Unli Data (P1000). 

Lastly, if you have a Blackberry and need services that are specific to your phone, there are also primers for you to choose from: BIS License (P400), BES License (P500), Unli BIS (P600) or Unli BES (P1000). 

However, if you are looking for a plan to accompany these features, you should sign up for Globe Business' Business Flex. Avail for any of their consumbale plans: Plan 500, Plan 800, Plan 1200, Plan 1800, Plan 2500 and Plan 3500. Plan services 800 and above are also welcomed to add one primer service. Choose from Unli Call, Unli Text, Unli Text All, Unli Data, Unli BIS and Unli BES. The rest of the primer services may be made available as add ons. 
Are you very dependent on making business calls but are afraid of "bill shock"? Traumatic, unexpectedly high billings are prevented by Business Plus Plan Zero through reliable and affordable services that are tailored to post-paid subscribers' needs. Make those important calls to clients and partners by choosing from the   following services:  Unli Call (P300), Duo (P399), and Super Duo (P499). All these are available only through Globe Business.

Be aware that primers attached to Business Flex are deducted from your consumable amount. Primers cannot exceed their MSF and are renewed and charged full against the consumable amount ever 30-days. 

Running a business can be demanding but investing in a Globe Business postpaid plan will help run your business smoothly. Discover how using telecoms technology from Globe Business can give you more time for the most important things in life. Just get in touch with your Globe Business Account Manager; or visit any Globe Store; or call the Globe Business Hotline at +632 7301010. You may also log on to

Globe Business is the corporate arm of Globe Telecom, the leading mobile telecommunications company in the Philippines. Globe Business provides wireless and wireline solutions for a diverse set of industries, businesses, and commercial enterprises. It assures SMEs of affordable, reliable, and dependable services for all communication needs, both wireless and wireline solutions, to generate the highest possible profit at the lowest possible cost.

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