December 2, 2023

Paywatch enters PH: Asia’s leading Earned-Wage Access (EWA) service to battle petsa de peligro among employees

Living paycheck to paycheck is common among Filipino households. Those who live this way are familiar with the term petsa-de-peligro, or the critical days of budgeting right before the next paycheck. Debt and petsa-de-peligro are often symptoms of lack of efficient financial access. These challenges are what Paywatch, Asia’s leading earned-wage access (EWA) service provider, aims to solve.

Paywatch recognized as a Top ESG at the 2023 Malaysia Fintech Frontier Awards.

EWA allows employees to access some of their wages before the end of their payroll cycle, lessening their need to apply for short-term loans to cover day-to-day expenses or emergencies. With Paywatch, employees get to access their earned salary anytime and anywhere with just a few clicks. No need to file cash advance requests and definitely no interest charge.

Paywatch is quickly becoming the biggest EWA player in Southeast Asia as it opens in the country. As of last record, Paywatch services more than 300 employers and 500,000 employees in Malaysia, South Korea, Indonesia, and now, the Philippines.

Paywatch, Asia’s leading Earned-Wage Access (EWA) service provider and powered by top financial institutions in the region. In photo, bottom right, Rowell Del Fierro, President of Paywatch Philippines, beside him, Paywatch’s Co-founder and CEO, Alex Kim.

Paywatch to mitigate debt traps among Filipino wage workers 

Paywatch started its operations in the Philippines with a partnership with Wilmar International, one of Asia’s leading agribusiness groups. They also have a cohesive partnership with Shang Properties, an established real estate developer in the country. Employees at these companies are more empowered to manage their finances with an innovative EWA solution. In fact, Paywatch has received an overwhelming reception with 150% response to roadshows as employees invite their co-workers to learn more about EWA. 

“So many Filipinos are faced with petsa de peligro on top of various financial challenges, especially debts. With this EWA innovation at hand, we at Paywatch aim to alleviate the financial stress that every Pinoy worker knows all too well. Moreover, it also contributes to strengthening businesses as it helps keep its employees secure and productive. Indeed, the impact of EWA is tangible and profound,” shares Rowell Del Fierro, President of Paywatch Philippines. 

Paywatch partnered with Shang Properties and introduced EWA as a debt free financial access tool for their employees. In photo, third from right: President of Paywatch Philippines Rowell Del Fierro.   

Paywatch to help businesses increase employee retention rate 

Employers also benefit from Paywatch by addressing retention and productivity issues. Paywatch has noted that Southeast Asia faces a 67% turnover in its workforce, which greatly affects the business landscape in the region. 

When employees can access their earnings, they can regain control of their finances and are motivated and productive at work. The service provider has a proven track record, with employers reporting increased productivity. An employer has noted a remarkable increase in employee retention, from 104% turnover rate pre-Paywatch implementation to 26% after the service was offered.

Paywatch also provides a customized approach and dedicated support to every business. Signing up only entails a one-time setup with zero disruptions to the human resources system and cash flow, whatever the industry or company size.

Paywatch is founded by industry and regional experts, all committed to helping alleviate its customers' financial burdens in the Philippines. This has made Paywatch the only EWA provider in partnership with multiple topnotch financial institutions such as VISA, Zurich, Hana Bank, OCBC Bank, UOB, and Hong Leong Bank . All central banks also endorse the provider within the locations it operates. Lastly, Paywatch has an unparalleled geographical reach and is the only EWA company serving four markets. 

“Empowering employees towards financial freedom is not just our mission; it's our commitment to a brighter, debt-free future. Paywatch aims to transform the traditional payroll system to address the vicious cycle of debt. With our innovation, employees can gain control over their finances, access their hard-earned money for emergencies, and eliminate the need for predatory loan practices. Together, we can promote financial well-being and create a debt-free future for all wage workers,” says Alex Kim, co-founder and president of Paywatch.

P&G Health Unveils Breakthrough Solutions for Peripheral Neuropathy Management

Procter and Gamble (P&G) Philippines, in collaboration with P&G Health, is at the forefront of redefining the landscape of Peripheral Neuropathy (PN) with innovative solutions aimed at improving the lives of millions affected by this condition, spearheading a transformative narrative on Peripheral Neuropathy (PN), with groundbreaking insights unveiled during the #KNOWTHESIGNS Scientific Forum last November 14, 2023, during World Diabetes Day. While the forum took place earlier, the timeless impact of the revelations continues to reshape our understanding of PN, a condition affecting over 50 million people globally.

The key highlight from the forum was the unveiling of the NENOIN Study results, shedding light on the efficacy of a fixed dose combination of B vitamins (B1, B6, and B12) in significantly improving nerve function. The study's findings provide a crucial roadmap for managing Peripheral Neuropathy, offering tangible hope for millions globally.

Understanding the Scope of Peripheral Neuropathy:

Peripheral Neuropathy, affecting over 50 million people globally, poses significant challenges to those with diabetes and pre-diabetes. Numbness, tingling, and burning sensations in the hands and feet are common symptoms, impacting the quality of life for individuals with this condition.

With Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 being the leading cause of PN, the increasing prevalence of PN is closely linked to the rise in the number of diabetic patients. Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy (DPN) is the result of damage to the nerves impacting the quality of life of people as they are not able to go about their daily lives as comfortably. Symptoms of PN include numbness, tingling, prickling, and burning sensations in the hands and feet. B vitamin deficiency and polymedication are other high-risk factors along with diabetes, leading to peripheral nerve damage. Published studies across different countries confirm that up to 80% of patients with PN remain undiagnosed and untreated.

P&G's Comprehensive Approach:

P&G Health is committed to addressing the multifaceted nature of Peripheral Neuropathy by introducing holistic solutions that focus is on providing relief and improved quality of life to individuals dealing with the daily struggles of PN.

Key Components of P&G's Peripheral Neuropathy Management Strategy:
1. Innovative Research: A leader in Nerve Health, P&G Health invests in continuous research, exemplified by studies like the NENOIN Study, to uncover effective solutions for Peripheral Neuropathy. This commitment to innovation underlines P&G's dedication to improving outcomes for those living with PN. PN is associated with poor functional mobility and compromised motor symptoms, in addition to sensory symptoms. These symptoms significantly worsen the quality of life of patients. Results from the NENOIN study concluded that the synergistic combination of vitamins B1, B6, and B12 can not only relief symptoms but also significantly improve nerve function in patients with PN which is a critical learning. This further underlines how early screening for PN and timely treatment can help improve quality of life and treatment outcomes

2. Vitamin B Supplementation: Besides diabetes mellitus, aging, alcoholism, and B vitamins deficiencies are other high-risk factors leading to peripheral nerve damage. Vitamin B1, B6, and B12 play essential roles in the maintenance of a healthy nervous system. Vitamin B1 provides energy to the nerves, vitamin B6 helps with signal transmission in nerves, while vitamin B12 helps with neuronal regeneration. combination of vitamin B1, B6 and B12 that is scientifically proven to repair nerve damage, restore nerve function and regenerate nerves to relieve neuropathy symptoms.

3. Pharmacist Engagement: Acknowledging the integral role of pharmacists in patient care, P&G advocates for their active involvement. By providing guidance on lifestyle modifications and recommending over-the-counter treatments, pharmacists play a vital role in supporting individuals with PN. A Speaker at the Forum, Dr. Kenny P Merin (Pharmacist, and Assistant Vice President, Academics & Research of Lyceum of the Philippines University Davao – Philippines) shared, "Pharmacists are an integral part of the healthcare team and can provide valuable support to patients with PN, yet often we are underutilized. Pharmacists are often the first point of contact and can drive early awareness of patient's condition, offer guidance on lifestyle modifications, and help optimize medication regimens. Pharmacists can also recommend over-the-counter treatments (e.g., therapeutic dose of Neurotropic B vitamins) for PN symptom relief. By actively engaging with patients and healthcare professionals, let's join hands to improve PN patients' long-term health and well-being.”

4. AI-Powered Awareness: P&G's ongoing #KnowtheSigns campaign leverages Artificial Intelligence to make the often-invisible conditions of PN and Vitamin B deficiency more visible and relatable to consumers. Early diagnosis is emphasized as a critical factor in enabling better treatment outcomes.

5. Collective Stakeholder Efforts: Insights from healthcare professionals around the globe underscore the importance of collaborative efforts, education, and early intervention. As a partner to International Diabetes Federation (IDF), P&G Health is committed to continued efforts to raise awareness on Diabetes and its associated complications including Peripheral Neuropathy and Vitamin B Deficiency. The goal is to create a comprehensive support system that addresses the challenges posed by Peripheral Neuropathy on a global scale.
“Our #KnowtheSigns campaign is a step change in the approach towards health awareness, as for the first time, we have leveraged Artificial Intelligence (AI) to make the invisible condition of PN & Vitamin B deficiency visible and more relatable to consumers. We hope to help people understand the condition by shedding light on daily struggles and symptoms. Not many people are aware that early diagnosis can help enable better treatment outcomes and better quality of life, and damaged nerves can be regenerated if nerve damage has not progressed too far,” says Aalok Agrawal, Senior Vice-President, P&G Health, Asia, India, Middle East & Africa.

As P&G Health continues to drive innovation in the realm of Peripheral Neuropathy, the focus remains on providing solutions that enhance the overall quality of life for individuals affected by this condition. The ongoing commitment to research, awareness, and comprehensive care solidifies P&G Health's position as a leader in the pursuit of better outcomes for those with Peripheral Neuropathy.

5 creative ways to make after-school activities more fun

Kids spend most of their weekdays in school. From classes to extracurricular activities, they deserve a fun treat when they get home, especially after a long day. This is the perfect opportunity for parents to get creative with after-school activities as a reward for kids doing an awesome job in their classes and finishing their assignments on time.

If you need ideas to make your kids’ after-school routine more fun and rewarding, here are some suggestions:

#1 Get crafty and make a calming jar

A calming jar is a sensory item that can help relax anyone that shakes it. You can easily make this with your kids by pouring glitters, hand soap, and watercolor in a clear jar – then mix! This will create a shimmery mixture that can be compared to a snow globe when shaken. This is a great artsy activity that you can do in just a few minutes.

#2 Sing your heart out

Music can uplift anyone’s mood. Once your kids are done with their homework, you can play their favorite songs on Spotify or put on lyric videos on YouTube to have a videoke party in your sala as a treat to them. To make it more fun and exciting, dress up as your favorite singers, so you’ll really feel like you’re in their shoes. Dancing is also highly encouraged!

#3 Get active and create new games at the park

Nothing beats park dates after school. Take your kids to a nearby park where you can spend time at the playground before going home. You can also organize a scavenger hunt but with a twist where kids are challenged to find as many items in different colors as they can. And by the end of a timer, the one with the most number of items wins. This can help kids de-stress and feel recharged before they start on their assignments and go back to school the next day.

#4 Whip up a fun, yummy drink

Chocolate is always a great reward after a long day or week in school. An easy recipe that you and your kids can do at home is the Funtasy Mallows Fudge Freeze, a colorful shake made with Swiss Miss Funtasy Mallows. The product is made with premium chocolate and real milk, topped with colorful marshmallows. Turn the day around and level up the fun with this snack time drink.

Make after-school activities more fun and rewarding for your kids with Swiss Miss Funtasy Mallows

Here’s what you need to make a Funtasy Mallows Fudge Freeze:

INGREDIENTS (Good for two servings)

       2 packs Swiss Miss Funtasy Mallows

       ½ cup water

       2 cups vanilla Ice cream

       1 cup ice


       Whipped cream (optional)


       Dissolve 2 Swiss Miss Funtasy Mallows in ½ cup water

       Add 2 cups ice cream, 1 cup ice, and Swiss Miss Funtasy Mallows mixture in a blender

       Add marshmallows in a glass

       Pour Funtasy Mallow Fudge Freeze mixture in glass

       Add toppings

#5 Indoor movie nights made fun

Watching a movie together at home is a great bonding activity for the whole family. Decorate your sala with fairy lights and movie posters to add more ambiance for the best indoor movie experience. Get your snacks and Funtasy Mallow Fudge Freeze, and get cozy on the couch while enjoying your chosen flick. This is a fun way to reward your kids with an exciting viewing experience after school days.

These after-school activities are a great way to let your kids have fun before another school day, and also appreciated for their hard work. Your kids will certainly appreciate every treat that you give them.

Make them more special with a delicious drink made with Swiss Miss Funtasy Mallows, like the Funtasy Mallows Fudge Freeze. This will surely add a creative and refreshing spin to rewards.

For more recipe videos, follow Swiss Miss Philippines on Facebook.

December 1, 2023

EmpowHER! Women entrepreneurs share game-changing biz hacks

As the Christmas season approaches, entrepreneurs seek clever adaptations and strategies to maximize their business productivity. 

Enstack CEO Macy Castillo champions women entrepreneurs, showcasing the power of the app at the EmpowHER Christmas Bazaar

Enstack, the all-in-one digital business app championing women entrepreneurs, invited several businesswomen to share their innovative "business hacks" at the EmpowHER: Christmas Bazaar, held in Bonifacio Global City, November 30.

Enrilyn Lee of EFR Subic Yacht Rentals shared that they successfully transformed their business by leveraging Enstack's digital tools to accept debit and credit card payments. Through Enstack's easy onboarding process, they can now accommodate international card payments, expanding their market and attracting a global clientele.

"We've adopted credit card transactions as our primary payment method, utilizing Enstack's mobile POS and generating payment links for buyers. This convenient solution has opened doors to a broader customer base, ensuring secure transactions. It feels like having an extra department, an extra helping hand in our business," shared Lee.

Strip It! Founder Arlette Alvarado shares the success story behind their high-quality, natural skincare products, and highlights the significant role Enstack has played in expanding their business

Enstack has also played a pivotal role in the growth journey of businesses like Scarlet Enterprise. Arlette Alvarado, Founder and General Manager of Scarlet Enterprise, reflects on their 17-year journey: "Our business, which began as a humble retail venture, has now become our bread and butter. Today, we predominantly engage in B2B transactions through distributorship, and Enstack's seamless sales invoicing feature has been the key to making this remarkable transition possible."

Macy Castillo, CEO, and co-founder of Enstack, believes in the potential of Filipino entrepreneurs and emphasizes the important role of MSMEs in the country’s overall economic growth.

“At Enstack, we believe that everyone has the potential to be a successful entrepreneur with the right tools, access, and resources. We encourage our users to challenge the conventional use of our app, to adapt and tailor it to their unique business needs. The innovative ways in which our users employ Enstack's features not only demonstrate their resourcefulness and adaptability but also embody our mission to empower entrepreneurs. We are committed to providing a platform that fosters such entrepreneurial spirit and innovation.” stated Castillo.

Empowering Filipina women, one product at a time. With Enstack's streamlined checkout process, Hiraya Pilipina now efficiently manages online orders, ensuring a seamless purchasing experience for customers

Reviving tradition with a modern twist, BJCY reimagines Filipino tampipi bags into trendy designs for everyday wear. Enstack's inventory management and automated invoicing features help optimize operations, streamlining the supply chain and order processing for a seamless customer experience

EFR Subic Yacht Rentals sets sail to new horizons with Enstack, revolutionizing their brand by enabling hassle-free international card payments

Moreover, other women entrepreneurs highlighted how Enstack's inventory monitoring, invoicing, payment collection, and shipping features streamlined their operations.

About Enstack
Enstack is changing the way businesses are built by empowering everyone to become entrepreneurs. The all-in-one business app provides a suite of features that encourages users to think big, start bold, and scale fast. With Enstack, the journey from groundbreaking idea to market disruption is made seamless, supporting not just business operations but the entrepreneurial spirit that drives them. With a commitment to fostering an environment of innovation and efficiency, Enstack continues to support women in breaking barriers and achieving unprecedented success in the digital economy. The app empowers everyone to be entrepreneurs, allowing them to easily build their own web store, sell online and in-person, accept different forms of cash and cashless payments, and ship through multiple logistics partners.

Golden Haven Memorial Park Iligan Set to Unveil “Colors of the Caribbean” Themed Gate and Guardhouse

Golden Haven Memorial Park Iligan, one of the themed memorial parks of the Villar-owned Golden MV Holdings Inc., is holding the grand launch of its latest masterpiece—the new gate and guardhouse bearing the theme, "Colors of the Caribbean”—on December 2.

The motif, one that speaks of life, celebration, and the timeless bond between nature and the human spirit, aligns with the joyful energy of the Christmas season. The unveiling of the beautifully designed fixtures is Golden Haven’s symbolic Christmas gift to customers, shareholders, and investors of Golden Haven Iligan, coming right on track after its groundbreaking ceremony on May 19 this year.

Ms. Emy Lustado, President of Golden Haven Memorial Parks, is justifiably enthused about the project’s timely completion. “We are thrilled to see this project come together so quickly,” she says. “It’s more than just an entrance; it’s a beautiful masterpiece that we are presenting to the Iliganons.”

Indeed, the Golden Haven Iligan team worked tirelessly to complete the project, successfully executing the vibrant Caribbean vibe that does not detract from the tranquil and solemn atmosphere of the park.

As Ms. Lustado affirms, “Our goal at Golden Haven has always been to provide a beautiful and dignified resting place, and this new gate and guardhouse are a testament to that commitment. We believe it will bring comfort and pride to the families who visit their loved ones here.”

Golden Haven Memorial Parks has consistently been recognized for its innovative approach to park designs. The Iligan Park’s Caribbean-themed entrance is, in fact, a symbol of this dedication, offering a welcoming and peaceful gateway for visitors.

Golden Haven cordially invites the Iligan community to join the unveiling ceremony and experience the new entrance, first-hand.

Those wishing to witness the launch may go to Golden Haven Memorial Park Iligan, located at Zone 2, Panul-Iran, Brgy. Abuno, Iligan City.

About Golden Haven

Golden Haven Memorial Park is a subsidiary company of publicly listed Villar-owned Golden MV Holdings Inc. Currently positioned as one of the largest real estate companies in the country, Golden Haven offers premium death care services and prime memorial lots. It is dubbed as the most lucrative real estate investment, with an average of 20% annual value appreciation.

Be part of the Golden Haven community today! Visit or follow “Golden Haven” on our social media platforms. We are on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, Spotify, Tiktok, and Viber. For sales-related inquiries, you may contact (02) 8873-2922 to 23.


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