August 14, 2021

Shopee Princess Alex Gonzaga Shares How She Manages her Time with these Productivity-Boosting Items

Learn how Alex juggles different hats as a TV personality, entrepreneur, and wife

Like many of us, Shopee Princess Alex Gonzaga also finds herself struggling to manage her time. After all, she isn’t just an actress and TV personality. She’s also a vlogger, business owner, and wife. With just 24 hours in a day, she handles tapings, business meetings, and more.

“Dati medyo nahihirapan talaga ako to manage all my responsibilities. I wanted to pursue other passions, but I couldn’t because I didn’t have much time. Nakaka-frustrate because I wanted to spend more time with my family but I couldn’t,” she shares.

Throughout years of juggling several roles in both her public and private lives, Alex has managed to create her own personal guidelines for managing her time and prioritizing her responsibilities—and staying sane in the process!

Here are a few tried-and-tested tips and tricks from the Shopee Princess:

Tip #1: “Make sure malinis ang working space mo.”

One way to boost your productivity is to clear your head, so you can focus properly on your tasks for the day. And according to the Shopee Princess, a cluttered space clutters the mind! Organize your work station with these Storage Boxes. Label or color code each box for quick, easy access.

Tip #2: “Plan your schedule for the day the night before. Alamin mo ang priorities mo. ”
It gets overwhelming when you’ve got a lot on your plate. Each night, sit down for a few minutes to plan your day with The Everyday Planner, which comes with monthly sheets. Learn how to deprioritize if your to-do list is more than you can handle. To help you save precious time, Alex adds, “Try not to browse social media until you’ve finished your tasks for the day.”

Tip #3: “Get up and go running para the brain gets up and running din!”

Dri-Fit Shirt 

Feeling stuck? Alex recommends working out for a quick and effective endorphin boost. Spare a few minutes to go on a quick run or do some yoga to stimulate the mind. Throw on a Dri-Fit Shirt which allows you to stay cool and dry throughout your workout. You’ll be able to tick that task off your to-do list in no time.

Tip #4: “Don’t forget to take care of your mind too.”

QuiFit Water Bottle

They say a happy mind boosts productivity, so don’t forget to find the time to unwind. Alex, for instance, says shopping and talking to her husband help her relax. She also surrounds herself with inspirational products, such as this QuiFit Water Bottle, to keep herself going throughout the day. Aside from helping her stay hydrated, it also comes with motivational messages and cute prints.

Alex concludes, “I love how Shopee has become my one-stop shop for all my productivity tools. Laking tulong sa pag-manage ko ng time and responsibilities, plus ang dami talagang deals to help me save, lalo na kada-akinse!”

For more items to boost your productivity, visit

For a chance to win exciting product giveaways or vouchers, play Alex G Says on your Shopee app. To join, open the Shopee Prizes microsite found on your app’s home page, or go to Tap to get payday tips and advice from the Shopee Princess herself, then take a screenshot. Upload the screenshot via the submission form in the microsite. Wait for the announcement of the 35 lucky winners on August 18-19.

Stay safe at home by going cashless with ShopeePay, your all-in-one e-wallet which you can use to Buy Load, Pay Bills, and Scan to Pay at multiple merchants nationwide. Top up your ShopeePay wallet through your debit card and online banking to enjoy exclusive ShopeePay promos such as up to 50% Bills Cashback when you pay for Meralco, Maynilad, and more; discounted load up to 50% off; ₱10 mobile data for only ₱1; and ShopeePay ₱1 Deals from Puregold, Seaoil, Potato Corner, and more.

Download the Shopee app for free via the App Store or Google Play.

ASEAN Tourism Association (ASEANTA) and Fusionex launch a virtual platform to amplify Global business opportunities

(PETALING JAYA, AUGUST 2021)ASEAN Tourism Association (ASEANTA) signed an agreement with AI and Big Data technology market leader Fusionex to introduce ASEANTA Travel Exchange (ATEX), a comprehensive virtual exhibition and engagement platform, to help facilitate an inclusive business environment and provide greater access to new markets.

The Covid-19 pandemic has wrought unprecedented disruption upon the travel and tourism sector as borders have been closed and large gatherings discouraged. By leveraging ATEX to pivot from physical to virtual, ASEANTA is able to seamlessly improve accessibility, connection and engagement while removing the restrictions of time and space through virtual exhibitions, webinars, digital marketing campaigns and more.

Pak Eddy Krismeidi, President of ASEANTA, Head of Indonesia Affairs & Policy

“This collaboration between ASEANTA and Fusionex is a historical event – a true ASEAN partnership bringing together the combined resources of ASEAN member states, in both the public and private sector, to take tourism in the region to new levels and to firmly establish ASEAN as one of the most viable and attractive tourism destinations in the world,” said Mr Eddy Krismeidi Soemawilaga, President of ASEANTA.

Powered by Fusionex technologies, ATEX offers a suite of innovative solutions to empower ASEANTA in organizing virtual events while driving meaningful and measurable online interactions. The platform offers an intelligent B2B matchmaking feature that connects local enterprises with global businesses, thereby expanding market reach. Travel and tourism players can also leverage the platform’s global distribution system to conduct secure and uninterrupted business transactions.

The robust platform enables businesses to showcase their offerings via virtual booths, facilitate pitching sessions through livestreaming, provide real-time reporting capabilities as well as performance monitoring and measurement features. It also allows enterprises to capitalize on powerful AI-powered digital marketing tools to tailor personalized campaigns. ATEX enables ASEANTA to not only create engaging online events but generate vital business prospects and develop networking opportunities as well in a data-driven way.

Dato Seri Ivan Teh, CEO of Fusionex Group

“As Covid-19 has brought the travel and tourism sector to a halt, ASEANTA has demonstrated its dedication to the industry by embracing digitalization to bring new avenues of progress to pave the way for the future of travel, hospitality and tourism. We are proud to be joining forces with ASEANTA to introduce ATEX to the region as it will play a crucial role in empowering all industry players to innovate, share, collaborate and do business — helping enterprises to cope with the pandemic and new norm for continued sustainability,” said Fusionex Group CEO Dato' Seri Ivan Teh.


The ASEAN Tourism Association (ASEANTA) was formed on 27th March 1971 as a non-profit tourism association comprising 35 members from both public and private tourism sector organizations, such as national travel associations, national hotel associations, airlines and National Tourism Organizations from ASEAN Countries.

ASEANTA plays an integral role in shaping travel and tourism development within the ASEAN region inline with the ASEAN Tourism Strategic Plan with the following objectives:

  • Unite our members in common purpose, working in a close bond of cooperation, fellowship and assistance in furthering and protecting the interest of our members. 
  • Strive towards the attainment of the highest standards of service and facilities for travelers and tourists. 
  • Uphold the dignity and ethics of the tourism business and strive towards its professionalism.
  • Foster and maintain the best of relationships among the ASEAN countries and their people.
  • Encourage, support and help develop tourism into and within the ASEAN region. 
  • Act as a negotiating body for members of the Association and to make recommendations to government departments or Agencies or other bodies in relation to any measure which may be taken involving members and/or the travel industry in ASEAN countries. 
  • Serve on or offer assistance to any government, statutory or International body in connection with tourism matters.

To learn more about ASEANTA, visit

About Fusionex

Fusionex is an established multi-award-winning data technology leader specializing in Analytics, Big Data Management, IR 4.0, Internet of Things, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. Its state-of-the-art offerings are focused on helping clients unlock value and derive insights from data.

Featured on Forbes, Bloomberg, Gartner, IDC, Forrester, Edison, and Huffington Post, Fusionex is the largest Big Data Analytics company and market leader in ASEAN, bringing state-of-the-art, innovative, and breakthrough datadriven platforms to its stable of clientele (including Fortune 500, FTSE companies, large conglomerates, as well as a wide array of small and medium enterprises [SMEs]) that spans across the United States, Europe, as well as Asia Pacific. Fusionex is also a MDEC Global Acceleration and Innovation Network (GAIN) company as well as an MSC R&D MGS award recipient.

Gartner’s report on Modern Analytics and Business Intelligence shortlisted and commended Fusionex’s data technology platform. In addition, Fusionex has been identified as a Major Player in IDC’s MarketScape Report for Big Data & Analytics. Fusionex is the only ASEAN-based company to be featured in both reports, cementing its credentials in the data technology market for this region.

To learn more about Fusionex, visit

In celebration of its 1st anniversary: HealthNow gives back to Filipinos with “HealthDay” free doctor’s consultation and medicine deliveries

HealthNow is giving free video teleconsultations and medicine deliveries for registered users in line with its first anniversary.

Dubbed “HealthDay” set on August 20, HealthNow members can enjoy free “Consult Now” sessions with general practitioners, as well as free “Consult Later” bookings with specialists of high-demand medical fields. These include Pediatrics, OB-GYN, Dermatology, and many more.

In addition, users can enjoy free shipping and free Vitamin C on all medicine delivery orders!

HealthNow CEO Susana Beatriz Latay shared her excitement to be celebrating this milestone with their customers.

“As we continue to adapt to the ever-changing landscapes brought on by the global pandemic, we understand that consumers are looking for better ways to access their essentials, and health is certainly among their top considerations today. As we celebrate our first year, we recognize that we could not have gotten this far without our customers. That is why we also wanted this chance to give back for their support and patronage through the HealthDay promo,” said Latay.

HealthNow, a product of the collaboration between Globe’s 917Ventures and AC Health, is a mobile app that delivers a hassle-free experience in helping patients receive the medical help they need from the comfort of their homes.

With several cities across the country placed in quarantine, users can still enjoy the convenience and flexibility through HealthNow, as they are given the option of consulting a doctor anytime, anywhere via video, getting an e-prescription, and buying their pharmacy needs for same-day delivery.

Soon, they can easily book home service appointments for diagnostic tests and have their lab results interpreted online.

HealthNow is available in Google Play for Android and the App Store for iOS. Anyone can register using their mobile phone number, email address, or even their Facebook account. To know more about HealthNow, visit their website.

The Globe Group strongly supports the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal No. 3 on good health and well-being. Globe is committed to upholding the United Nations Global Compact principles and contributing to 10 UN SDGs.

BRIA Homes promotes renewable energy through solar-powered street lights in its communities nationwide

Solar lights provide adequate illumination around BRIA’s amenities and offices, ensuring the security of properties and aiding BRIA’s roving guards as they make their rounds on the premises.

With climate change producing anomalous weather patterns all over the world, many countries are now hit by catastrophic storms and typhoons that claim multiple lives and, according to the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, leave “billions of people injured, homeless, and in need of emergency assistance.”

Unfortunately, Asia has experienced the worst weather disturbances in recent years, with the Philippines ranking just behind China and India i terms of loss of human lives and livelihoods.

Apart from providing enhanced security to BRIA residents, solar-powered streetlights promote renewable energy and significantly lessen the carbon footprint of BRIA communities. 

BRIA Homes, the Philippines’ leading developer of superior quality affordable homes, is only too aware of such serious consequences of climate change. As a major stakeholder in the real estate industry, BRIA believes that well-built and aesthetically designed homes that Filipinos can afford must come with a deep regard for environmentally sustainable communities. Thus, the real estate brand ensures that steps are consistently being taken towards building and maintaining eco-friendly developments such as its more than 50 projects all over the country.

These days, even as the world’s focus remains on the coronavirus pandemic, BRIA Homes encourages its homeowners and residents to adopt easy ways they can help the environment. These include keeping their garden or green space chemical-free; banishing single-use plastics from their homes; buying locally made products; shopping organically; re-using and recycling; opting for pollinator-friendly plants; and reducing their carbon footprint by judicious use of power and water resources.

BRIA Homes’ solar-powered streetlights make it easier for residents to safely navigate its main roads, streets, and walking paths. 

On their part, BRIA Homes has initiated their eco-friendly schemes by installing solar-powered streetlights in all of their residential enclaves. Solar-powered streetlights make use of photovoltaic (PV) panels, built-in lithium-ion batteries and power management system, LED lights, and smart night and motion sensors. These devices enable them to source energy from the sun, storing as much of it throughout the day to effectively light the streets from dusk to dawn.

An ideal option for the Philippines, which has an abundance of sunlight, solar-powered streetlights work even during power interruptions or grid failures, making sure that BRIA communities are lit up at night.

Red Rosales, President of BRIA Homes, says that “apart from providing enhanced security to BRIA residents, and contributing to better architectural landscaping in our developments, solar-powered streetlights promote renewable energy and significantly lessen the carbon footprint of our communities.”

Rosales likewise points out that because of its many benefits, solar power has been deemed the most environmentally sound way to light up the streets, perimeter roads, gardens, parks, and recreational facilities of BRIA communities. “Solar-powered streetlights reduce our dependence on conventional energy,” he explains. “They are widely known for being long-lasting and economical to use, requiring almost zero maintenance. The absence of external wires also lessens the potential for accidents such as electrocution and overheating.”

An ideal option for the Philippines, which has an abundance of sunlight, solar-powered streetlights work even during power interruptions or grid failures. BRIA Homes’ modern solar streetlights are also water-resistant, weather-proof, and with low insect attraction.

According to Rosales, solar-powered streetlights likewise reduce the costs of traditional grid-powered lighting—and provide bright illumination with no need for cables and replacements. And as the home-of-choice for millennials, BRIA Homes shares how its solar-powered streetlights make it easier for young and active residents to safely navigate its main roads, streets, and walking paths.

Rosales adds that solar lights provide parking spaces around amenities and offices with adequate amount of light, ensuring the security of vehicles in the vicinity. These lights aid BRIA’s roving guards, as well, as they secure the premises from incidences of theft and accidents.

Solar-powered streetlights reduce BRIA Homes’ dependence on conventional energy. They are widely known for being long-lasting and economical to use, requiring almost zero maintenance.

BRIA Homes also touts other sustainable facilities such as Sentro, the amenity hub of BRIA developments—a wide, open space that enables residents to connect and socialize. Sentro houses the multi-function hall, parks, playgrounds, and sub-centers that cater to homeowners’ various concerns: Health Center, Day Care Center, Senior Citizen Center, and Barangay Center.

Consistent with its vision of making contemporary, budget-friendly, and sustainable homes accessible to all Filipinos, BRIA Homes follows a tried-and-tested formula, Affordability (Mura) + Quality (Dekalidad) = A Beautiful BRIA Home for Every Filipino.

Prospective residents who aim to live eco-friendlier lives can easily purchase a BRIA unit through various flexible schemes and digital payment methods available both locally and internationally through BRIA’s partner banks and e-wallets like GCash, AllEasy, and PayMaya.

Red Rosales says in conclusion: “Solar-powered streetlights are just one of the many ways that BRIA Homes promotes the use of renewable energy. We believe that it is vital for us to continue finding different ways to live sustainable and environmental-friendly lives, as this is the only way to truly build progressive and livable communities.”

Property buyers can check out BRIA’s website for 360 virtual tours, or inquire online through the BRIA Facebook page. Future homeowners who wish to reserve a property online can visit BRIA’s online reservation page.

BRIA Homes is a subsidiary of GOLDEN MV Holdings, Inc., .one of the largest real estate companies in the country. BRIA Homes is primed to bring quality and affordable house and lot packages and condominium units closer to ordinary Filipino families. This is the goal that drives every single employee in the company, for which the ultimate fulfillment is seeing a client happily moving into BRIA’s homes.

To know more, visit their website at, like and follow “Bria Homes, Inc.” on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, Spotify, Viber Community, Telegram Channel, Kakao Talk, LINE and WhatsApp, or call 0939-887-9637.

August 13, 2021

Mi 360° Home Security Camera and Xiaomi Home app gain BSI Kitemark™ certification

Global technology leader Xiaomi
recently announced that Mi 360° Home Security Camera obtained the Kitemark™ Certification for Residential IoT Devices while the Xiaomi Home App obtained the Kitemark™ Certification for Secure Digital Applications from the British Standard Institution (BSI), the business improvement and standards company and the UK’s National Standards body.

Obtaining the Kitemark™ certifications means that Xiaomi products are in compliance with the best security practices, including the EN303645 standard issued by European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI). It marks another milestone for Xiaomi’s relentless effort in protecting information security and privacy of its consumers.

Frank Zhang, Managing Director at BSI Greater China, commented, "We are glad to see that Xiaomi has achieved the Kitemark™ certifications for its Mi 360° Home Security Camera and Xiaomi Home app. Xiaomi has put great efforts to embed international security standard into its products and build trust with consumers. BSI is looking forward to work with Xiaomi in the future and enhance the IoT ecosystem development by instilling more trust elements between brands and consumers."

The Kitemark™ is a product and service quality trademark which is owned and operated by BSI. It conducts technical testing and security audits for IoT systems based on the ETSI/EN303645 standard, providing consumers with a fast and simple way to identify secure and trust-worthy IoT devices.

The Mi 360° Home Security Camera (PHP 1,990) is an upgraded 3MP home security camera with 2K high definition resolution for more natural images. It has a 360-degree full angle vision with a dual motor design, multiple-layer home security and support enhanced infrared night vision with a built-in 940nm infrared fill light. Its F1.4 large aperture greatly increases the light input volume to capture most of image details and it also has AI human motion detection and AI face recognition to easily identify family and friends. The Mi 360° Home Security Camera is available in Authorized Xiaomi Stores nationwide for only P1,990.

Meanwhile, the Xiaomi Home app helps homeowners manage their intelligent devices. The app allows users to add new devices with a few easy steps, set up and perform intelligent tasks wherever they are, and get the status of devices in real time. The app is available at (add where we can download here).

Xiaomi owns the world’s leading consumer AIoT platform with more than 351 million connected devices and 49 million users*. Seeing user data security and privacy as its top priority, Xiaomi has established a comprehensive management and technology framework protecting data security. Xiaomi's Mi AIoT platform has been certified with both the ISO/IEC 27001 Information Security Management Standard and the ISO/IEC 27701 Privacy Information Management System by BSI. At the same time, Xiaomi published the Cyber Security Baseline for Consumer Internet of Things Devices and Xiaomi IoT Privacy White Paper**, introducing security and privacy policies and practices of the company in a comprehensive way.

Cui Baoqiu, Xiaomi Vice President and Chairman of Xiaomi Security and Privacy Committee, said, "Mi 360° Home Security Camera and Xiaomi Home app are good examples of how we have been implementing the security and privacy framework in practice. Based on the advanced security testing by BSI Lab as well as security audits, the Institution has verified that the tested products are developed in accordance with the strictest security and privacy principles. We reaffirm that the protection of users’ data and privacy has always been our priority, and the commitment applies to all the markets where we operate."

* As of 31 March, 2021, excluding smartphones and laptops.

** Xiaomi Cyber Security Baseline for Consumer Internet of Things and Xiaomi IoT Privacy White Paper can be downloaded at

About Xiaomi Corporation

Xiaomi Corporation was founded in April 2010 and listed on the Main Board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on July 9, 2018 (1810.HK). Xiaomi is a consumer electronics and smart manufacturing company with smartphones, smart hardware and Internet of Things (IoT) platform at its core.

With an equal emphasis on innovation and quality, Xiaomi continuously pursues high-quality user experience and operational efficiency. The company relentlessly builds amazing products with honest prices to let everyone in the world enjoy a better life through innovative technology.

As of the second quarter of 2021, Xiaomi is the No.2 smartphone brand in the global smartphone market. The company has also established the world’s leading consumer AIoT (AI+IoT) platform, with over 351.1 million smart devices connected to its platform, excluding smartphones and laptops. Xiaomi products are present in more than 100 countries and regions around the world. In August 2021, the company made the Fortune Global 500 list for the third time, ranking 338th, up 84 places compared to 2020.

Xiaomi is a constituent of the Hang Seng Index, Hang Seng China Enterprises Index, Hang Seng TECH Index and Hang Seng China 50 Index.

For more information about Xiaomi as a company, please visit


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