June 15, 2015

Mariel Rodriguez-Padilla, Danica Sotto-Pingris and LJ Moreno in Happy Wife, Happy Life Season 2

TV5's daily reality and lifetyle show 'Happy Wife, Happy Life Season 2' continues to feature stories inspiring viewers. With the addition of seasoned TV host Mariel Rodriguez-Padilla as one of the hosts of Happy Wife, Happy Life Season 2 together with Danica Sotto-Pingris and LJ Moreno.

The latest season of Happy Wife, Happy Life  now highlights the exemplary stories behind loving mothers who continiously care for their family. As part of its tradition, Mariel, Danica and LJ present unique stories of ordinary mothers who exemplify their undying love for their husbands and children. They give the spotlight to mothers who never ceace to presevere for the benefit of theirf family.

It is worthy to note how Mariel, Danica and LJ personally visit these mothers who continuosly inspire not just their families but also their communities as the help them in their own little way. 

Furthermore, it is with great pride that Happy wife, Happy Life Season 2 imparts that it does not just feature stories but at the same time, it extends helps to those worthy individuals  who are helpful not just to their families, but also to their communities. This opportunity that Happy Wife, Hapy Life Season 2 is extending serves not only as a simple acknowledgement of their service but also as a inspiration for them to continuosly do better in the future.

Catch the hosts of Happy Wife, Happy Life Season 2 featuring Mariel Rodriguez-Padilla, Danica Sotto-Pingris and LJ Moreno as they continuosly share inspiring stories of wives and mothers and how they change the world airing every morning, Monday to Friday at 10:15 am only on TV5.

Make every day a lovely day for you and your family with happy housewives Mariel, Danica at LJ!

June 14, 2015

Beyond Borders: Mega Global Turns 40

Mega Global Corporation celebrates 40th anniversary held in Isla Ballroom, EDSA Shangri-La on Friday night, June 5.

Achieving 40 years of continuous growth is no easy feat. But Mega Global Corporation has managed to work its way up the ladder by setting industry standards for performance and innovation, reaching beyond borders in terms of providing high-quality, value-for- money products essential to every family-loving Filipino.

“Let’s continue striving to be thebest brand locally and globally. We will go beyond borders and provide only the best products and services to everyone.” -   Mega Global CEO and President Mr. William Tiu Lim

This was the central theme of the 40th anniversary of Mega Global Corporation held in Isla Ballroom, EDSA Shangri-La on Friday night, June 5.

More than 500 guests clad in Captain’s ball suits and blue gowns— including top-level management, employees, key brand ambassadors and business partners, media personalities, collaborators and celebrities, gathered in the ballroom to commemorate the many milestones of Mega Global’s successful but humbling journey.

Latest Line of Mega Global Products

During one of the segments, Mega Global Corporation through the presence of AVP for Sales and Marketing Mr. Raffly Lantin, unveiled its latest line of world-class products. A captivating visual presentation showcased the canned products and ready-to-eat viands that are slated to be released this year: Mega Premium Shrimp Paste, Oh My Ulam! Regional Specials, Mega Creations Bottled Sardines and Mega Tuna.

Ryzza, Awards, and More Highlights

The night wouldn’t be considered complete without the presence of child superstar Ryzza Mae Dizon, the newest brand ambassador of Mega Sardines.

The child superstar engaged the crowd with her infectious charisma and cute dance moves, performing a short dance number that got everyone smiling from ear to ear.

Ryzza also helped out in giving away raffle items such as iPad and iPhone 6 through Mega Roleta.

Aside from highlighting the plans of the company to tap other markets outside of the country, the event also paid tribute to the highly valued employees of Mega Global Corporation whose unwavering efforts and contributions have become the driving force behind the company’s success. The employees were recognized based on three important merits: The Ruby Loyalty Award—an award given to individuals whose exemplary commitment of time, energy and effort has reached over 25 years of service; The Mega Hero Award—an award given in appreciation of top employees whose outstanding performance were not left unnoticed; and The Mega Excellence Award—an award given to top employees whose unparalleled level of commitment and professionalism have led them to where they are now.

Mega Family Union

The entire Lim clan headed by CEO and President Mr. William Tiu Lim graced the stage in full force during the ceremonial toast. Mr. Lim went on to congratulate everyone for being part of Mega Global’s 40 years of achievement. “Let’s continue striving to be thebest brand locally and globally. We will go beyond borders and provide only the best products and services to everyone.”

Mega Global has been winning the hearts of Filipino families from one generation to another for almost 40 years. The country’s top manufacturer of ready-to-eat viands and canned goods strives to enrich people’s lives with its relentless efforts to bring forward several improvements and innovations in terms of packaging and food technology.

Triathlon for beginners

Triathlon is an activity that combines swimming, cycling, and running in one event.

An adrenaline-pumping and a popular sport in the Philippines, thanks in large part to celebrity triathletes who not only promote the sport to the general public but also make it look easy and fun to do. 

In reality, however, first-time triathletes need 3 to 6 months of preparation to finish the race without injury or burnout. Just want to share this for the beginners.

Dr. Nicky Montoya, president of MediCard Philippines ssid that “it takes time to improve your endurance and stamina for a triathlon event. Aside from multisport training, you need to make healthy lifestyle choices—good nutrition, regular exercise, adequate rest, and having a positive attitude.” 

The MediCard 24.7 triathlon team shares the following advice for those who are planning to join a triathlon event:

1. Training is serious business. Be physically and mentally prepared.

The way to becoming a triathlete is to live an active and healthy lifestyle all the time and to train harder when the triathlon event approaches. Do not join when you’re not physically and mentally ready to avoid hurting or exhausting yourself.

“Eating right has always been a conscious effort for me even before I became a triathlete,” says Vanessa Aguirre-Estrada. “When I prepare for a race, training and recovery dictates my nutrition. I don’t have a strict diet but when training season is at its peak, I store more protein in my meals. I reload carbs and hydrate for the whole day.”

2. Train early. On weekdays, assign a sport to do before and after work hours. 

Timmy Dadia shares, “During weekdays, I train for 1-2 hours of swimming, biking, running, or cross-training depending on the assigned sport of the day, in the morning or afternoon depending on my work schedule. On weekends, I wake up at 4:30AM so I can start biking at 6:00AM and end around lunchtime.”

3. Train with a buddy for encouragement and support.

Working out and doing multisport activities alone can get boring and lonely. It’s the reason why triathletes typically train with their team or with a loved one who’s also into the sport. “During the weekdays, [my wife] Lyka trains in the gym and me on my own. We train together on weekends,” says Jamie Leather.

4. Find inspiration to motivate yourself when the training gets difficult.

Lyka Leather advises, “Think about the upcoming race and look forward to enjoy the experience as opposed to the suffering. Picture yourself crossing the line happy, smiling and with no injuries.” 

Timmy Dadia shares, “I draw my inspiration from other athletes who are doing this sport. When the going gets tough, you get added inspiration when there’s a little competition between fellow triathletes.”

5. Never stop improving.

The great thing about triathlons is that there’s always room for improvement with its three disciplines to “master.” It’s about one’s personal journey to fitness and sporting excellence. So if the first triathlon event intimidates you, strive to be better next time.

“Try it!” encourages Vanessa Aguirre-Estrada. “The community is growing and you can have new friends to ride, run and swim with. Conquer the sport you least like and this can be your biggest challenge and your greatest achievement. Make it your bucket list to finish one race. It only takes one race for you to believe in the triathlon bug.” 

Before a triathlon training, consult your doctor first to check your health and fitness level through stress testing and annual examination to design a safe and effective training program. MediCard has 12 free-standing clinics located in key cities.

For more information, visit www.medicardphils.com

James Hardie helps Yolanda survivors rebuild communities

Alongside its mission of providing building products to build better and more durable houses for Filipino families; James Hardie, the world leader in fiber cement technology, is likewise a responsible corporate partner of Filipinos in building a better, more durable future.

The carpentry workshop organized DLSP and conducted by James Hardie Philippines was attended by 32 carpenters from Dulag and Diit, Leyte. Engr. Wilfredo Abella and Gina Anacta from DLSP, and Roland Badilla and Renato Zagada from James Hardie were present during the workshop.

This was made manifest when James Hardie partnered with De La Salle Philippines (DLSP) to help rebuild schools in the Yolanda-ravaged areas of Leyte and Samar, providing safer and more weather-resistant classrooms for students in schools adopted by DLSP.

This remarkable collaboration saw James Hardie and DLSP conducting a basic carpentry workshop last January wherein survivors were taught how to rebuild classrooms and eventually make a living out of their newly acquired skills. This also gave them the knowledge to construct their own homes which were severely damaged by Yolanda.
James Hardie Philippines, in partnership with De La Salle Philippines, conducted a HardieFlex carpentry workshop in Dulag, Leyte.

The workshop, called “Rebuilding the Future,” drew enthusiastic participants who learned basic carpentry skills such as HardieFlex ceilings and walls installation.

“The basic carpentry workshops were activities we felt passionate about,” says James Hardie Country Manager Mark Sergio, who believes that teaching the survivors how to be self-sufficient in rebuilding their communities will show them how to live without compromise.

“Aside from providing sturdier classrooms to the community, James Hardie and De La Salle Philippines thought that having carpentry workshops would help the survivors build livelihoods from the new skills they’ve acquired.” says DLSP President Br. Jose Mari Jimenez. “We want to help ease the painful memories caused by Yolanda.”

Jimenez also added that they chose communities that greatly need help and where members are eager to learn, willing to strive hard and be one in the rebuilding efforts.

Thirty-two carpenters from Dulag and Diit, Leyte attended the carpentry workshop focusing on actual hands-on installation of HardieFlex fiber cement boards on timber and steel framing.
“DLSP adopted these communities because they needed immediate assistance,” Sergio said. “We volunteered because we wanted to provide them with the right tools to start anew and help some community members find some purpose after an unfortunate experience.”

Response to the basic carpentry workshop was overwhelming. Even neighboring communities joined the workshop as they listened intently to the lectures and learned hands-on carpentry techniques.

“It is heartwarming to see how their confidence was restored by doing something functional and meaningful,” says Kgd. Corazon Canales. “Though it’s really difficult to restore everything, it is safe to say that this is a huge start for us.”

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