Showing posts with label Life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Life. Show all posts

February 22, 2025

A Sustainable Journey Filled with Life and Culture: CNN’s The Journey Matters highlights what’s to love about the Philippines

Travelers are spoiled for choice when they visit the Philippines, this beautiful archipelago has 7,641 islands teeming with experiences that tourists will definitely love. From world-famous white sand beaches like Boracay, fantastic waves of Siargao, bustling cities, rich biodiversity, unique traditions, and flavorful feasts, there’s always something to love when you visit.

The show explores some of the places and activities that await in Siquijor, a small island filled with beauty and wonder.

Get to know more about the best of island life in the Philippines in the latest episode of The Journey Matters on CNN. This week’s episode showcases some of the country’s most popular destinations as well as the locals who honor the Philippines’ rich traditional heritage and work hard in protecting its diverse natural environment.

Tourism frontliners based in some of the country’s popular island destinations, share their stories of love for the Philippines. “Doing yoga around nature is very relaxing. It has a very healing kind of effect. I was born in Manila, and I've always wanted to live somewhere closer to nature. When I first came to El Nido, I fell in love with the place and decided I could try and maybe live here.” shared Bek Soriano, founder of Yoga Tayo in El Nido, Palawan. Bek’s Yoga Tayo has attracted a community of travelers, who seek wellness and inspiration from El Nido’s diverse natural attractions. Over the years, that community has grown with more travelers drawn in by El Nido's charms through its abundance of natural attractions and its welcoming people.

Meanwhile, on another side of Palawan, in Coron, Anthony “Joy” Rabanal and Darwin Agquiz, seasoned tour guides at Big Dream Boatman, have brought countless local and foreign visitors to see the breathtaking beauty of the islands, sharing their knowledge and ensuring that everyone has a wonderful experience. “I really love this job because aside from being a tour guide, I can also do something for our environment,” said Darwin. Like educating visitors on how to respect and protect nature and green life. “We get them really aware about what is really happening.” added Joy. This does not only help them protect their livelihood but mostly their home.

Local tour guides make it a point to also educate visitors on how to respect and protect nature and green life in Coron, Palawan.

From Palawan, the show also featured Siquijor, a small island which has become a popular emerging destination with local and international tourists, eager to discover its stunning beauty. “Siquijor is a very special place especially for tourists, the vibes here are still different from any other destination,” shared Luis Nathaniel Borongan, emphasizing on the island’s special ability to “heal” visitors. Tuob is one of Siquijor’s age-old natural healing methods to help ward off illnesses and bad spirits. The show explores some of the places and activities that await in Siquijor, which, just like Palawan, showcases idyllic island life in the Philippines, where there's always something to discover and to love at every turn.

El Nido, Palawan has attracted a community of travelers, who seek wellness and inspiration from El Nido’s diverse natural attractions.

Tune in to CNN tomorrow, Sunday, February 23 at 7pm HKT and catch The Journey Matters in The Philippines. Embark on a visual journey through the country and discover hidden gems, embrace the healing powers of nature, and witness the warmth of Filipino hospitality. Let the Philippines’ 7641 islands captivate you. This is a journey you won't want to miss.

August 15, 2016

Taste the Feeling, Share the Feeling as Coca-Cola and KFC bring fun to every meal with EmotiCups!

Here’s an exciting and fun way to show how much diners really feel when eating their favorite finger lickin’ good chicken with families and friends as KFC comes out with the limited edition Coca-Cola EmotiCups.

The emoticons says it all!   #WOW #LOL #Love # Kilig #Incredible

Coca-Cola together with KFC is giving everyone a fun and creative way to share their feelings using Coke Emoticons, while enjoying the finger-licking goodness of their favorite KFC fried chicken. 

Coca-Cola EmotiCups are free for every chicken bucket meal which includes 8 pieces of chicken, 2 spaghetti, 4 rice and 4 medium drinks in collectible EmotiCups.

Diners can also avail of the EmotiCups by simply adding P20 to their combo meal with drink, Fully-Loaded meal, Fill-Up Box, 1-Piece chicken meal, or Teriyaki Pepper Steak rice bowl.

Make eating with friends more special and fun with the finger lickin’ good KFC meals and ice-cold Coca-Cola in unique EmotiCups – the latest collaboration between two of the biggest global brands, available from July 8 to September 8 at your nearest KFC branch.

 Celebrity Blogger Karel Marquez during the media launch of Emoticups 

To know more, visit the official Facebook pages of KFC Philippines and Coca-Cola Philippines. Taste the Feeling, Share the Feeling with Coke and KFC.

July 2, 2016

'King of Talk' and advocate, Boy Abunda talks about total Colon Management; Endorses Tocoma

Media launch of Tocoma ( colon cleanser supplement) held at the Luxent Hotel, June 23, 2016.
Well known as the "King of Talk" in local show business, Boy Abunda, a television host, publicist, talent manager, celebrity endorser is also an advocate.

Boy Abunda is involved in a project that he feels very strongly about. It is not just a public health issue that affects many Filipinos, but touches directly on the lives of two persons whom he admires deeply. 

The initiative has something to do with helping people become more aware of the dangers of Colon Cancer, the same ailment that both President Corazon C. Aquino and Pope John Paul II battled for a long time. 

This form of cancer, which is also known as colorectal cancer, and is among the top five cancers in the country for both sexes. This is according to the Department of Health and Global estimates even reach as high as 1.4 million new cases every year, of which 50 percent may develop into advanced stages. 
In a health bulletin, the DOH says that "the disease’s signs and symptoms include constipation, or intermittent constipation and diarrhea, difficult bowel movement or change in bowel habit, blood in the stool, weight loss, fever, loss of appetite, extreme tiredness, nausea or vomiting, jaundice, abdominal discomfort, and gas pains or cramps. Rectal bleeding or anemia may also occur in persons over 50 years old."

Boy Abunda 
But despite all the warnings, what is truly concerning from a public health stand point is the almost complete lack of awareness by many Filipinos about the easy steps that can be taken to help prevent this disease.

According to health experts, colon cancer can be avoided by the simple expedient of having a fiber-rich diet of fruits and vegetables, engaging in physical activities on a regular basis, and keeping the consumption of red meat in moderation. Smoking and too much alcohol should also be avoided.

To help spread awareness of the dangers of colon cancer, Boy agreed to be the brand ambassador for Total Colon Management, or Tocoma, a fiber-rich herbal supplement from Malaysian health firm, Healol Pharmaceuticals. 

Because colon cancer attacks the intestines, keeping them clean through regular bowel movement is essential. Tocoma provides the necessary fiber and other essential nutrients in our diet, making this easier for our bodies to perform. 

Part of Boy's role with Tocoma is that he will be touring the country to talk about the health risks of colon cancer and the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

Together, they hope to educate Filipinos on how they can better take care of themselves.

March 18, 2016

Filipina transgender Bemz Benedito Receives NY Award

Many people have never heard of or don't understand things. Being transgender is something some people feel uncomfortable thinking or talking about. Transgender, the realization that they feel different from others also can be very difficult. They may face rejection, discrimination, and even anger from people who don't understand transgender identity, and it can be a challenge to deal with others' reactions. 

Life is a beautiful chance given to all to make the best of it, to learn and to provide others the best  of us. 

One blessed Filipina transgender Bemz Benedito was honored by a US organization with an award as one of four Global Transgender Heroes in celebration of International Women’s Day this March.

The award was given by the True Colors Fund, an LGBT organization based in New York. True Colors, co-founded by international pop star Cyndi Lauper, “is working to end homelessness among lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth by creating systemic change”.

Benedito learned about the award when an article appeared on the True Colors website ( announcing conferment of it on her and three other global transgender heroes: Lohana Berkins of Argentina (who passed away last February 5) Cecilia Chung of the US and Hong Kong, and Liesl Theron of South Africa.

The award’s primary criteria was how a certain individual challenged the status quo and as well as the ways and means of stereotypical boxes for the LGBT. Next to that, says Benedito, is how the awardee struggled to uplift the condition of her community to be recognized and respected.

The award made this year’s International Women’s Day more significant for her, says Benedito, “because I was affirmed as a woman and my small contribution for equality in my country was recognized”.

To be hailed a Transgender Hero is a very humbling experience.

“Just like what I always say in my interviews, I am not the best and there are others who are doing better than I do, but please be it remembered that there was a transgender woman who worked hard fearlessly in her little ways to represent the Filipino LGBT community as one sector fighting for equal rights."
The recognition, says Benedito, is a reminder to her that despite being elected into public office in 2010 and 2013, “the ray of light comes shining like it never was before, to continue with fight and to keep up with the challenges that cripples our dignity as human beings and citizens of our country.”

The award does not come with any monetary recognition, but according to the LGBT activist, it is more than enough for her and others working to advance the cause of LGBTs and keep them in the thick of the fight despite sometimes feeling that they are doing a thankless job and in the long run allowing even personal relationships and personal ambitions suffer.

“We owe it to the next generation that being LGBT must be kinder and dignified.”

In her own case, the award is encouragement to keep pursuing equal rights and recognition not just for other transgendered women, but for all members of the LGBT community.

“We (LGBTs) are only tolerated and our dream and our goal is to be accepted,” says Benedito. 

“Because if we are indeed accepted, policies and laws must be present to protect and uplift us. Hindi na sana second-class citizens ang tingin sa amin at sana may kinatawan na rin sa Kongreso ang sektor ng mga Pilipinong LGBT. At higit sa lahat wala na sanang mambabatas at boxing superstar na hahamakin kami at tatawaging mas masahol pa sa hayop. We are not exaggerating our struggles, we are here giving a face and voice to the oppression that dehumanizes us every day of our lives while living the truth in our being.”

Their biggest goal is the basic right to self-determination. 

“Then there is our common fight with our lesbian, gay and bisexual brothers and sisters for the passage of the anti-discrimination bill that has languished in Congress for 18 years. Imagine a human rights bill, the only one for that matter, that will protect LGBT Filipinos ay nabubulok sa Kongreso habang naghihirap ang maraming LGBTs sa diskriminasyon at opresyon. In an egalitarian society that has passed the Magna Carta for Women, Indigenous Peoples Rights Act, Violence Against Women and Children, the LGBT community is ignored and discriminated.”

Benedito recalls what the struggle was like for her as a transgendered woman.
“It was difficult especially for me growing up in my province in Abra, which is laid-back, backward-thinking and conservative. While growing up, I would cry whenever I would see my naked body as a young child in the mirror because my anatomy was incongruent to what I thought and felt about myself. It took me a long time to realize that I am not a simple case of a girl trapped in a man's body. I found out about transgender people when I did my research during my college days. It was then that I found out that I am not an effeminate gay or thepa-girl na bakla but I am a transgendered woman. That is why, as in all journeys, the wrong has to be righted, the flaw corrected. In my mind, in my heart and in my soul, I am a woman, a Transpinay, the other Filipina.”
Finally, says Benedito, if there is a message that she, as a transgendered woman, would like to put out there, it would be this: 

“Stereotypes are like cardboard cut-outs; they do not form the complete picture. Not even a fragment of who we are. Our genitalia should not be the basis of one's right to self-determination and gender identity. We should not be defined by our bodies nor our sexual orientation and gender identity defined our capabilities, skills and strengths.”

December 31, 2015

Happy New Year 2016!

Thank You God for giving me another lease of life, for all the blessings and guidance.

Thank you everyone for enriching my life this year again.

Year’s end is neither an end nor a beginning but a going on, with all the wisdom that experience can instill in us.

Having the gift of faith, the blessing of hope and the peace of His love and keeping it all the years.

May God grant you the 9 Fruits of Holy Spirit : 

“The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.” (Galatians 5:22)

Wishing you all a year of peace, happiness, prosperity, good health, joy and love!

May God grant us all a blessed New Year !

Happy New Year !!!  Cheers!!!

November 10, 2015

Global toilet sanitation problem leads to 443 million missed school days

According to a study conducted by the World Health Organization (WHO), children around the world miss an estimated 443 million school days each year because of diseases caused by poor sanitation and hygiene practices, including using unsanitary toilets. Simply put, this number of sick days is equivalent to all grade school and high school classrooms in the Philippines being empty for one month. This sanitation-related concern hinders the children’s learning and significantly reduces their quality of life.

Illnesses due to poor toilet sanitation include diarrhoeal disease and parasitic worm infections which can lead to nutritional deficiencies, physical and mental stunting, and death. Every day, millions of children in rural communities and urban households nationwide are exposed to these health problems by using dirty toilets populated by disease-carrying germs.

According to Dr. Luisa Efren of the Philippine Public Health Association (PPHA), the simple act of proper toilet sanitation can help prevent the spread of these germs. However, children continue to be at risk from these deadly diseases because many households still use ordinary laundry bleach to clean their toilet bowls, which is not enough to kill all toilet germs.
“A toilet that looks clean to the naked eye may not necessarily be free from germs and bacteria. So, it is very important to properly sanitize all surfaces using a germ-kill expert with proven efficacy in eliminating bacteria, and not just any ordinary laundry bleach,” Dr. Efren warned.
For the past three years, Unilever Philippines through its germ-kill expert brand Domex, has been working with UNICEF and PPHA to champion the One Million Clean Toilets Movement. This advocacy program aims to educate Filipinos on proper toilet hygiene and the need for sanitized household toilets to keep their families safe against disease-causing germs.

On November 13, World Toilet Day, join the One Million Clean Toilets Movement in the fight against disease causing germs to save lives, one clean toilet at a time. To learn more about Domex and how you can stay safe from disease with a germ-free home, visit Domex Philippines on Facebook. 

You can also help the 1 Million Clean Toilets Movement fight against disease by spreading awareness on the sanitation issue caused unsanitary toilets. 

Watch and share the “Sick Days” video ( to help keep your family and friends germ-free.

November 6, 2015

“A Season of Magic” with favorite cartoons come to life in SM’s biggest Christmas celebration

An enchanting Christmas at all SM malls nationwide where Kids and kids-at-heart are expected to enjoy!  

Starting this weekend, November 6 to 8, with well-loved cartoon and toy characters joining the launch revelries of SM’s Grand Christmas celebration. 

Festivities start at SM North EDSA on Friday, November 6, where all-time favorite Disney characters will be present during the launch of “A Season of Magic”. To make the event more meaningful, children from a selected beneficiary will be given a chance to personally meet Disney characters Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck, and have a first peek at the main attraction – the Disney Village. A medley of favorite Disney songs will be performed by the Manila Philharmonic Orchestra and the Mandaluyong Children’s Choir.

Throughout the weekend, the fun continues with other malls all over the country simultaneously launching their own Christmas centerpieces featuring various animated characters and Christmas themes. These include Disney’s Frozen, Barbie, Cartoon Network, Toy Factory and 100 Elves, Snoopy and Charlie Brown, Nickelodeon, Disney Princess, Disney Junior, Adventure Time, Lego Christmas Adventure, and Sanrio Holiday, among others.

According to Jonjon San Agustin, SM Supermalls’ Senior Vice-President for Marketing, “We are just as excited as children everywhere as SM officially starts the holiday with our biggest themed Christmas celebrations yet. Christmas at our malls is for kids and the young at heart, so we have gathered the most number of cartoon and comic character themes ever in our 55 malls nationwide. Each mall will be decorated with giant installations and picture-worthy pockets of Christmas fun that will form part of kids’ memories until they become parents themselves.” 

Although these attractions will be open to the public throughout the Christmas season, the public is enjoined to bring their families, kids, relatives and friends to enjoy the weekend launch activities at any SM mall. 

For a complete schedule of activities and launches, please go to SM’s official Christmas microsite, follow its official social media accounts at Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, and get an insider access to all the fun happenings at SM Supermalls nationwide through Viber.

Shoppers can actively share their holiday merriments inside the SM Supermalls by posting their photos on social media and adding the hashtag #MerrySMChristmas2015.

November 5, 2015

First international production of ‘The Bridges of Madison County the musical’ opens November 20

"Things change. They always do, it's one of the things of nature. Most people are afraid of change, but if you look at it as something you can always count on, then it can be a comfort."

"I realized love won't obey our expectations, it's mystery is pure and absolute."
These are some quotes I love in a film titled "The Bridges of Madison County" sentimentalizes the four-day affair between an Italian-born, middle-aged farm wife whose passionate nature has long been dormant and a ridiculously romantic drifter. A moving love story about a photographer on assignment to shoot the historic bridges of Madison County. He meets a housewife, whose husband and children are away on a trip, and the film traces a brief affair that is never sordid but instead one of two soul mates who have met too late.

One of the most romantic stories ever written, and for the first first international production of the musical "The Bridges of Madison County" presents by Atlantis Theatrical Entertainment Group (ATEG) is set to open on November 20 and run until December 6 at the Carlos P. Romulo Auditorium, RCBC Plaza, Makati.
International musical theatre stage actos MiG Ayesa and Joanna Ampil (Photo:

Leading the cast as Francesca and Robert are two iconic performers of the international musical theatre stage, Joanna Ampil and MiG Ayesa, who recently performed a great song presented to the press and guests during the media launch held at Oakwood Premier Building, ADB Ave. Ortigas.

Based on the best-selling novel by Robert James Waller, THE BRIDGES OF MADISON COUNTY tells the story of Iowa housewife Francesca Johnson and her life-changing, four-day whirlwind romance with traveling photographer Robert Kincaid. 

The storyline

It’s an unforgettable story of two people caught between decision and desire, as a chance encounter becomes a second chance at so much more.

This brand new production features gorgeous, soulful music by Tony Award-winning composer Jason Robert Brown (Parade, The Last Five Years) that draws upon the rich textures of Americana and folk and the sweeping, expressive balladry of classic Broadway. The Daily News hails it as “one of Broadway’s best scores in the last decade.”

Joanna Ampil, who rose to stardom in London’s West End as Kim in Miss Saigon, Mary Magdalene in Jesus Christ Superstar Eponine and Fantine in Les Miz and Christmas Eve in Avenue Q, says of her latest role, “It will be my first musical in Manila after a long hiatus. 

The last one was The Sound of Music in 2012. I'm hungry for a new challenge and this role of Francesca will certainly give me that challenge, stretch and creativity that I'm always craving for as an artist. Jason Robert Brown and I performed in London sometime ago way before he wrote Bridges and to be able to play a lead in one of his works will be a wonderful experience; because I know that he writes some amazing stuff. 

I look forward to sharing the stage with MiG Ayesa, also. But, the thing that appealed to me the most was the idea of working for ATLANTIS for the first time and being directed by Bobby Garcia.”

MiG Ayesa, who performed the role of Stacee Jaxx in ROCK OF AGES on Broadway and in Manila, says, “I am so thrilled to be returning to the Manila stage with this production of THE BRIDGES OF MADISON COUNTY. The score written by Jason Robert Brown is so breathtakingly beautiful it has to be considered a modern classic, and well deserved of the Tony Awards it received. 

I cannot wait to show such a different side to me, as the last time Manila audiences saw me was as the crazed rocker ‘Stacee Jaxx’ in ROCK OF AGES. The chance to be working opposite such a world class performer such as Jo Ampil, as well as under the direction of Bobby Garcia, promises to be an experience I will never forget. 

This will be my second stage production with ATEG, and it has always been a labour of love in that camp. Any excuse to visit the Philippines is worth the work! I cannot think of a better way than to return with such a production as beautiful as this.”

THE BRIDGES OF MADISON COUNTY is directed by Bobby Garcia, Choreography by Cecile Martinez, Musical Direction by Ceejay Javier, Set Design by Faust Peneyra, Lighting Design by JonJon Villareal, Costume Design by Eric Pineda, Hair and Make Up Design by Johann dela Fuente and Vocal Direction by ManMan Angsico.

Bobby Garcia, who directs the musical, says. “I am thrilled to have two of the finest musical theatre performers breathe vibrant life into these iconic characters. Creating this show with Joanna and MiG has been an extremely rewarding creative experience and I couldn’t imagine anyone else playing these parts. 

Jason Robert Brown’s score for BRIDGES is one of the most glorious musical theatre scores in recent memory. What a joy to hear it everyday in rehearsals. It is an honor to be able to stage this show for Manila audiences”

Also in the cast are Carla Guevara-Laforteza in the dual role of Marian and Chiara, Nino Alejandro as Bud, Emeline Celis-Guinid as Marge, Jamie Wilson as Charile, Bibo Reyes as Michael and Mikkie Bradshaw as Caroline. Joining them in the ensemble are Steven Conde, Nel Gomez, Franz Imperial, Yanah Laurel, Abi Sulit and Teetin Villanueva.

The unforgettable story about love, passion and choices that BRIDGE to a second chance is brought to you by ABS-CBN, Philippine Daily Inquirer, Delta Airlines, Oakwood Premier Joy~Nostalg Center Manila, Chrysler Philippines, Retro DCG-FM, Monster Radio RX 93.1, Crossover, Mellow 94.7 Sounds Good!, Portfolio Studios, Hit Productions Inc., Center of Aesthetic Studies, and Lynelle Hair Fashion.


Get your tickets now for what is destined to be the most romantic musical of the year! 

Tickets for THE BRIDGES OF MADISON COUNTY are available at Ticketworld at 891-9999.

September 12, 2015

Must Love Free Stuff! LIMITED OFFER: Free film with Every Instax Camera Purchase

FUJIFILM Philippines presents a special treat called Instax Special Twin Package - way of thanking photo- and memory-loving Filipinos for the warm welcome to the Instax Mini instant cameras.

The Instax Mini Camera wave is sweeping through country, especially among Filipino families, couples, and friends. With the tremendous response to the return of the well-loved artifact that is the printed picture. 

Consumers who purchase Instax Mini 8 and Mini 90 instant cameras from August 28 to October 15, 2015 will get a free Twin Pack (Mini Glossy Film 10 sheets x 2) from authorized sellers nationwide. Enjoy savings of P680.00 from this special treat. 

Instax Mini camera fans can choose from the following Instax Mini 8 and Mini 90 instant cameras --- Instax Mini 8 that comes in seven colors namely raspberry, grape, white, pink, blue, yellow and black and sells for P3,699.00; Instax Mini 8 Mickey Mouse and Instax Mini 8 Winnie the Pooh, both pegged at P4,199.00; and Instax Mini 90 which sells for P8,990.00 and comes in two colors namely black and brown.

With FUJIFILM Philippines, Inc., preserving and printing special memories always comes first.  

September 4, 2015

SM celebrates longest Grandparents' Day

SM Supermalls gives its shoppers the longest Grandparents' Day celebration, where grandmas and grandpas take the spotlight in all of SM's 52 malls nationwide for two whole weeks.

 As a sign of solidarity with the Filipino family's inherent respect for elders, from August 31 up to the actual Grandparents' Day on September 13, SM malls will have their "Grand Gifts and Treats" activities where special treats and discounts are offered by various mall tenants during the whole two-week celebration.

As an attraction for all families, a "Grand Memory: I Love You Lolo & Lola" photo wall is also installed  It is a special spot where families can capture their precious bonding moments with their elders while inside their favorite SM malls. Also not to be missed is the "Grand Market" activity which will happen in select malls from September 7 to 13. It is a bazaar showcasing items produced by grandparents.

Come September 12, at 7am, a "Grand Walk" warms up the grandparents for the days with special exercises and a massage therapy session conducted by accredited Red Cross volunteers. Registration for the activity is open to 60 years old and above.

Finally, on Grandparents' Day (September 13), all SM Supermalls will go full force to delight all grandfathers and grandmothers with dining offerings, entertainment, and event gadgets and technology products.

Setting the mood right are the malls' 9am Thanksgiving Mass for Grandparents, where the priest will administer a special blessing for grandparents and grandchildren, who will offer flowers to their lolos and lolas.

SM Cyberzone will have an all-day play gaming event at SM Dasmariñas, SM San Mateo and SM Masinag.

A "Grand Music" event will serenade the senior SM shoppers with oldies but goodies tracks that will not only make them reminisce about the good old times, but also introduce the timeless music to their grandkids.

To capture all the special bonding moments of the families celebrating in their favorite SM malls, a special Grandparents' Day photo booth will also be present per mall on the actual Grandparents' Day on September 13. 

In SM Supermalls’ social media assets, several Grandparents' Day online promos will be ran from August 31 until September 13.

Shoppers can visit SM Supermalls' official website at www.; follow its official social media accounts on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram; and get an insider access to all the fun happenings at SM Supermalls nationwide through Viber Public Chat. 

Customers can tweet their thoughts, upload and share photos while celebrating Grandparents' Day inside the SM Supermalls, then use the season’s official hashtag #GrandparentsDayAtSM.

September 3, 2015

Health and happiness in a convenient package for employees

Happy and healthy employees lead to improved morale and higher productivity. This is why providing attractive medical benefits for a company’s workforce is essential. It is also one of the key considerations of employees in choosing which company to work for.

While providing employee medical benefits is a sound investment for employers, many are still daunted by the cost and challenges of medical insurance application for their employees. Luckily, there are companies that provide medical benefits to large groups that don’t cost as much as employers think.

Philam Life, the country’s premier life insurance company, recently launched a comprehensive Group Medical Insurance plan through its Corporate Solutions arm. Employers can now avail of flexible and extensive medical insurance for their employees depending on their need and budget.

Philam Life CEO Axel Bromley discussing the benefits of the Group Medical Insurance during the launch.

“Companies need to take care of their workforce if they want them to be efficient and productive,” said Philam Life CEO Axel Bromley. “With the new Group Medical Insurance plan, Philam Life empowers employers with the right solution to address the real life needs of their employees,” Bromley emphasized. 

In partnership with Medilink, the pioneer in state-of-the-art technology solutions in the healthcare industry, Philam Life introduced Health Link, a packaged plan for micro and small businesses that gives employees the best of both HMO and medical reimbursement programs while providing life insurance benefits. 

"We believe that healthcare is a universal human need. It should be affordable, accessible and efficient," explained Medilink President and CEO Esther Go. "We are pleased to support Philam Life's newest product. Trust that our commitment to quality services and innovation will remain as strong as ever."

Employers can choose from any of Health Link’s basic benefits like Basic Medical/Inpatient Benefits, Group Life Insurance, Accidental Death, Dismemberment & Disability Benefit and Total & Permanent Disability Income Benefit. 

They can also add optional medical benefits such as Annual Physical Exams, Dental Benefits and Outpatient Benefits which include physician/specialist consultations and x-ray and laboratory tests. The benefits and premiums of Philam Life’s Health Link can be customized depending on the budget or needs of the employer.

Philam Life’s Health Link is available for small business owners with at least five regular employees. Employees may also enroll their legal spouse, children, parents and siblings as their dependents. For large companies or non-employee-employer groups, Philam Life can customize a plan specific to their requirements, too.

Insured members who need financial and medical assistance must simply present their Philam Life membership card to any hospital, clinic or doctor accredited by Medilink. In case their preferred hospital, clinic or doctor is not accredited with Medilink, members can still avail of their services and subsequently, reimburse the expenses incurred. All benefits will be subject to their plan limits.

To know more about Group Medical Insurance or Health Link, contact Philam Life Corporate Solutions via phone at (02) 528-5363, or email at 

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August 29, 2015

Scarvivors keep stories with hope and courage, not scars

A scar is a permanent patch of skin that grows over a wound. It forms when your body heals itself after a cut, scrape, burn, or sore. Scars usually fade over time but never go away completely. Although scars are permanent, they can fade over a period of up to two years. It is unlikely they will fade any more after this time.

Scarring can be very distressing, can lead to feelings of depression and affecting their daily activities.

Scars may be a reminder of pain and personal tragedy. However, scars are also a sign of healing wounds. They are a testament to an individual’s courage and resilience. Scars mean closure on whatever pain and tragedy has happened, and it is something that can be visually improved as part of the healing process. 

Scarvivor, is an advocacy from the country’s leading scar management brand Contractubex (Extractum Cepae + Heparin + Allantoin), in support of the burn centers of the Philippines, and the Philippine Association of Plastic Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgeons (PAPRAS) mission. As part of the advocacy, Contractubex proudly shares inspirational and life-changing stories from 6 courageous SCARvivors.
Nikoy de Guzman
“There were issues with those big scars, particularly after my first modified radical mastectomy when I was just 28. Then, I realized It’s about getting well. What you went through. And getting over that,” says Nikoy de Guzman, who has undergone a double mastectomy.

Sherilyn Bruan
“Hindi ka lang scarred physically. Pati yung self-esteem mo natamaan. Nung time na yun, I didn’t want people looking at my scars. Ngayon, I know there’s more about me than my scars,” shares Sherilyn Bruan, a survivor of the Ozone Disco fire.

Giboy Billena
“My scars are very big and my left leg was deformed. It was a very difficult experience, but with the help of many loving people especially my Mom and Dad, I am now on my road to complete recovery,” says Giboy Billena, a 13-year- old bone cancer survivor.

Rubylyn Cua Rodel
“Dahil sa scars, dati binubully ako. Sinusulatan yung libro ko ng sunog. Ganun. Pero hindi ko hinayaang masira ang buhay ko,” says Rubylyn Cua Rodel, who got burned in an accident.

Dwight Bayona
“My experience has been a painful struggle. But I didn’t let it hinder me from doing the things I wanted to do. I want others to know that you can be so much more than your scars. Just trust yourself and your will to fight,” shares Dwight Bayona, a racer who lost his leg in an accident. 

Richard Tagapan
“Ang mahalaga, muli akong makabalik sa aking tungkulin. Dala ng paninilbihan ang sugat na ito, nagbibigay sa akin ng lakas ng loob,” according to Richard Tagapan, a PNP SAF officer injured in the line of duty.

The Scarvivors event press launch on August 27, 2015, 10 am at Amici Restaurant, features talks from Dr Jose Joven Cruz, President of PAPRAS; Dr. Dorothy Dy Ching Bing, Burn Rehabilitation Consultant on burn centers in the Philippines; and Nikoy De Guzman, one of the SCARvivors, for the closing remarks. 

The SCARvivor exhibit at Exhibit Space 3, UGF Building A, SM Megamall runs from August 27, 2015 to September 2, 2015. 

We encourage you to be part of the advocacy by visiting the exhibit and extending your support to other SCARvivors out there.

You can also support the SCARvivor advocacy by purchasing Contractubex. For every Contractubex purchased, patients from selected burn centers will be given their own SCARvivor Kit. This is in line with the commitment of Contractubex to helping patients manage scars, so that someday, being SCARvivors themselves, only their stories of hope and courage remain.

Photos: Arts & Travel Magazine

August 22, 2015

The Dangers of Sick Days ? Here's the children’s new disease-fighting sidekicks!

When kids are on their sick days, parents always think what they can give their suffering child to make them better faster.

Despite the limited forms of cure of diseases, they can be extremely uncomfortable nuisances, resulting in a staggering number of missed days from work and school. It is not surprising that many people are willing to try and pay for almost anything to relieve the annoying symptoms of the common cold. 

When kids skip school due to illness, they miss more than just a class – they miss opportunities for growth

More and more Filipino children are contracting viral and bacterial disease because of weak immune systems, a recent clinical study published in the Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism reveals. This growing prevalence of infection in school-age populations is particularly urgent because a single sick day may affect many different facets of your child’s life, including time-sensitive activities like going to school to attend classes.

Multiple sick days are likely to set back your children’s education, as well as their overall development and growth. Classes are typically dependent on very specific timelines, and whenever schoolchildren get sick, they miss valuable lessons that may prove to be crucial later on in the school year. This compromises the pacing for their growth as individuals. It can be very hard for students who are often absent to get back on track.

With school in full swing, it’s important to make sure that your children are kept safe from infection.

Here are some best defense, new disease-fighting sidekicks!
- Stay clean and clear of people who are coughing and sneezing. 
- Good hand washing will help your family avoid most infections. 
- Clean toys and teach older kids to wash their hands and to cover their mouth when they cough or sneeze, or tell them to bend their arm and sneeze into the crook of their elbow. 
- Let them get some air. Breathing fresh can do wonders for a croupy cough. 
- Drinking fluids can also loosen congestion and prevent dehydration. If your child refuses water, offer juice, the age-old remedy - chicken soup and of course, the best defence - fruits! 
 - A serving of pineapple a day helps strengthen immunity

Thus, there is a strong need for better ways to give children the nutrients they need to stay healthy.

Thankfully, parents have an easy, enjoyable way to help protect kids from infection and keep them in school – pineapples.

Gelli Victor hosted the round table discussions regarding the children's immunity and the importance of fruit consumption in a child's diet, held at the Loft 2 Museum Cafe, Ayala, Makati City, August 18, 2015.

Just what do canned pineapples have that make them our children’s new disease-fighting sidekicks? 

As studies show, a lot actually!

The said clinical study checked the possible effects of canned pineapples as a practical immunity booster. A nine-week randomized, controlled trial was conducted on 98 elementary school students in Paco, Manila. The students were divided into three groups. Two of the three groups of children were regularly served Del Monte Pineapple Tidbits. The third group served as the control group and was not given any canned pineapples.

Only the groups who took regular servings of Del Monte Pineapple Tidbits had an increased resistance to disease and infection, with those taking two servings (140g per serving) demonstrating higher granulocyte production.

Granulocytes are key components of white blood cells and are important players of the immune system. They are the fighter cells that detect and kill disease-causing viruses and bacteria. Finally, a healthy solution that’s tastier than most!

The results show that adding 2 servings of canned pineapples to your children’s daily diet goes a long way towards protecting them from sickness. Giving children #DMPineappleADay is a quick, easy, and delicious way of strengthening their immunity, while supplying much-needed nutrients like Vitamin C, Vitamin B2, fiber, and manganese. 

A stronger immune system can help prevent children from missing out on many opportunities.

With this, children will be able to fight off infection, keep attending classes, and make the most of their precious time in school.

#DMPineappleADay keeps the doctors away... #DMPineappleADay is the best disease-fighting sidekick! 

Some Photos: c/o Arts & Travel Magazine

July 29, 2015

From Loss to Law, Thanks to Philam Life

There is no question that every mother dreams to see her children grow up to be self-sufficient and financially stable. But how do we guarantee their security, when quality education grows more expensive every year, and more and more parents are forced to drop their children from school due to a lack of necessary funds?
In 1997, this precise challenge hit Ms. Monserrat V. Delos Reyes. After leaving her job in the medical field as a nurse, she was unsure if she could afford to pay the tuition fees of her children. “It was a difficult time,” Delos Reyes narrated. “I was constantly worried about our expenses, most of all how I could possibly pay for the schooling of my kids.”
Fortunately, Delos Reyes found a highly rewarding career as a financial advisor for Philam Life. With full belief in both the products she was selling and company providing them, she bought an education plan with a very specific purpose in mind. 
“My daughter Regine always dreamt of studying in De La Salle University and becoming a lawyer,” Delos Reyes explained. “I wanted to secure my daughter’s future, regardless of whatever unexpected turns life would throw at me,” she enthused.
Regine Delos Reyes Graduation Pic with Family
In 2007, Monserrat’s investment was fully returned, and Regine was able to take up a degree in Economics at De La Salle University. She continued to receive checks twice a year from Philam Life, which were able to pay for three trimesters’ worth of Regine’s tuition every year. Since Regine’s course took only three years to complete, Delos Reyes was able to use the fourth year of her educational plan payout to cover other family expenses.
It felt like a huge weight was lifted off of my shoulders. I had the peace of mind that Regine’s education was taken care of and assured by Philam Life. I couldn’t be happier with my choice of investment,” the proud mother beamed.
Regine was then able to go to law school, again at De La Salle University. She recently graduated as the top 4 student in her class, and will be taking the Bar exam in November. She aspires to specialize in family law and join one of the largest law firms in the country.
I’m so thankful to my mother for giving me the opportunity to pursue my dreams,” a clearly emotional Regine affirmed. “Our family is a clear example of how Philam Life touches and improves real lives. They changed the course of our lives permanently, for the better,” she concluded.

July 22, 2015

“Abot-Tanaw ni George Tapan” Exhibit , Taps Epson technologies for natural looking photos of Filipino indigenous tribes

"With a camera as his instrument and the outdoors his element, Master George Tapan is known for his timeless and priceless photographs."

Distinguished Filipino photographer George Tapan showcases the diversity of Filipino tribes in his latest exhibit “Abot-Tanaw ni George Tapan” at the National Museum of Anthropology located at the Old Finance Building along Finance Road, Ermita, Manila. The exhibit was unveiled last June 19, and will run Tuesdays to Sundays from 10 AM to 5 PM until August 16.

As one of the original Epson PRO, an eminent group of photographers and graphic artists in the Philippines, George Tapan has been a long-time Epson user, and considers Epson as part of his family.

“For this exhibit, I used Epson scanners and printers, because in my eye, Epson produces the nearest natural color. The right color, archival ink, and the variety of paper or media to choose from is why I chose Epson as a partner for exhibits, including this one. For the “Abot-Tanaw” exhibit at the National Museum, I used Epson’s archival paper that produces no glare, to help me showcase the beauty of the subjects and photographs without using an encasing glass.” 

“Abot-Tanaw ni George Tapan” features the diverse culture of the Philippines as shown by the different indigenous tribes around the country. The subject matter is close to his heart, as showing recognition to these indigenous tribes is part of his personal advocacy. “We should never forget the indigenous people; we should show them respect and give them dignity. Without them, there is no us,” he elaborated.

His many years of traveling in all parts of the country have yielded a wealth of images showing the very essence of Filipino tribal life. “For me, a good photograph captures the spirit of each tribe. Although I give directions and make plans before capturing the images to remove the distractions from the environment, I make sure that the image is very natural,” he explained. 

“I also scan and give them a copy of their own photographs, as they believe that taking photos can steal their souls. By sharing these with them, I make them happy and they feel that I care about their beliefs. My small Epson printer and scanner have helped me do that.”

As George Tapan’s digital imaging partner for “Abot-Tanaw”, Epson Philippines Corporation (EPC) used the Epson SureColor SC-P607 – a reliable photo printer that delivers true quality, unprecedented black density, and true-to-life color gradations and definitions – and Watercolor radiant white art paper and Premium Glossy Photo paper to print the exhibit photographs. 

“Epson is glad to be a part of this demonstration of Filipino talent. As a distinguished member of the crème de la crème of Filipino photographers, George Tapan’s eye for detail has given the world a new perspective. And as his partner in highlighting this part of our culture, Epson is glad to have the technology to give justice in realizing the finer points and overall life-like image reproduction of his photos. After all, the beauty of the Philippines deserves only the best prints,” said Pamela Albar, Head of Epson’s Commercial & Industrial Department.


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